Having lived in Malta for 2 years during the early 60's whilst my dad was serving in the Royal Navy, and based there, we returned for a family holiday in 1977.
My brother was born there and so I suppose that we were destined to return someday.
As it was my first ever holiday abroad (aged 17) I remember Malta for different reasons than I would today. I do know that my dad took us to the house where we lived and delighted in showing us the 'gut' whilst managing to avoid regaling us with any of his stories of visits there!
We are going back once more on May 3rd this year (I still can't work out why we haven't been back since '77) My dad, now 67 will lead the way once more and show us what he remembers of the place, although I'm sure it will have changed a lot since we last visited.
Having initially been tempted by the 'MaltaBargins' adverts, I'm happy to report (especially having read the reports on here!) that we resisted and booked a villa in Naxaar which looks like a good central(ish) location to explore from.
I'll let you know how it goes on our return.

Enjoy the holiday & report back.

Something you may like to see while you are staying in Naxxar.
Palazzo Parisio - 19th Century Palace and gardens, lovely in May.
Also check out http://www.visitmalta.com for other places to visit too.

Ingliza, thanks for that, I'll be sure to pay it a visit. I intend to cram in as much as we can in the week that we'll be there. And thanks for the subtle spell check on Naxxar (you'd think I'd have checked wouldn't you?

I picked up a small book on Malta for the princely sum of 2 quid last week and it lists a whole host of places to visit. now that's what I call a Malta Bargain!
I asked about it in the Labour Club and the Band Rooms, on main street, and they said the "entertainment" had moved, or had been moved out of town.
I saw some of it on my way down to Marsa Xlock, where the wall is about 40 ft high and the road bears round to the right.

I rememver 'straight street' aka the 'gut' vividly from our visit in '77.
I had heard that it had all but 'ceased trading' if you get my drift, so I wasn't expecting to see it in full flow.
Must remember to let my dad know though, he might just fancy the idea of spending a few shillings on an old flame down there........

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