Hi everyone,
Just to let you know we have found a great way of stopping mozzies from attacking we bought some citronella oil from holland & barratts put about 5 drops into an atomiser filled it with water and gave it a good shake. Then you just spray it on any exposed flesh,i know it works as we used it in Goa and did,nt get one bite.I hope this may be of help to all of you who are plagued by the things.
I have also heard that avons skin so soft works. Just spray it on before you go out. Also that vanilla candels work. i have used them in the past abut you have to remember to BLOW THEM OUT before you go out.
Thanks for the tip about citronella oil and mozzies. previous to this, how often did you get attacked by them? (i ask, as last time i was in Greece i got attacked about 30 times in 1 day) i am therefore quite interested to hear about your remedy
Before using citronella oil i was a walking buffet for mozzies it really did work for me in goa if you go to the india forum and go back through the threads you will see a posting from poipleshadow and one from shem who live in goa working at an orphanage and after i posted a similar message they replied saying that they had started using cittronella oil and they didnt get bit by the little ********.We also used to spray around the doors and windows and we never heard them in the room;You might have to play about with the amount but we found that a spray 4inchesx1 inch would need 5 or 6 drops but you might need to put in more.
the oil costs £3.95 from holland and barrett and one bottle should last 2 weeks.
i hope it works for you like it did for me.
I've always found taking vitamin B for 2 weeks before and during my holiday helped. Before that I was meals on legs for the blighters.
my boyfriend and myself started taking garlic capsules a month before we went and the 2 weeks we were on holiday last year.We also had a mozzie plug in our room. We didnt get bit once,Ive been told the mozzies dont like garlic. I suppose certain things work for some but not for others and you could go on forever buying people's suggestions until you find the one that suits you best
My wife seems unlucky to get bitten if there are mozzies about, so she took advise given on this forum.Vitamin B2 tablets, Marmite sandwiches,yeast tablets, lemon soap.citronella candles bought lemon eue de colone on a day trip to Turkey.Didnt get bitten.Trouble is we dont know which product or combination worked
Tolon, on your recommendation I went into H & B to buy some citronella oil and it's on offer at the moment at about 2 quid a bottle - so I bought 2. Hope it's as good as you say!
Hi Xenosuk,
I also start to take Zirtek a week before I go and then while I'm away as that helps with my sun rashes.
Go to the local shop buy a lemon squeeze the juice in small amount of Luke warm water and wash yourself in the solution IT WORKS. Any bite place fresh lemon on it and it will ease the pain
Hi Talon I have jumped on the bandwagon went to H&B got 2 bottles of Citronella 10ml bottles £1.74 each myself and my partner are off to Koulanaris 1st 2 weeks of July I hope it works I think I might need it there
Another remedy you might want to try is lavender oil, available from health food stores and pharmacies. You can simply put several drops into your tub of after-sun lotion and apply it every evening after a day in the sun. I also agree with the garlic capsules suggestion - it worked a treat for my wife and I in Thailand.
i`m willing to try anything this year as my son got badly bitten last year and ended up in a wheelchair for a few days , so some of the suggestions have been helpful and i will be trying the citonella oil out too
Read all the reviews about "MOZZIES"
Just got back from Zante, where we stayed for two weeks. I took garlic capsules, brewers yeast tablets (approx 6 weeks before holiday) and bought some Citronella Oil (couldn't find any in Holland & Barretts in Peterborough, they reckon they didn't sell it). I diluted the Citronella oil into water, and sprayed it on every night. Never got bit once, other than the last night, when I decided I didn't need to spray any stuff on as I hadn't been bit once it the two weeks I had been there, Big mistake!!!!. I went to bed that night and realised I had been bit (not to bad one bite) However, after returning home the following day, to my horror I had been bit about six times on both ankles. Thereore, not sure if it was the garlic pills, the brewers yeast tablets, the Citronella oil, or infact all three together, but the fact is something worked, so in future will make sure I do "all three things again" only next time, will make sure I spray the Citronella oil on the last night.
I will close this one now to prevent further duplication.

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