I went to the Holiday Village Costa Del Sol (last week of August 1st of Sept 2004) Had a fantastic time.
We had a week off from work starting 16th of April (my sons birthday) and wanted to go away for a week starting the 17th of April (Sunday).
to the same place we had gone in 2004,
We were told that there were flights available on the 17th April and that the Hotel was avilable for that week as well (ie not booked up). But that it was only available to UK customers.
Can anyone please try to make any sense of this.
We were willing to pay whatever it costed to back to our dream holiday but they told us it was closed to Irish customers.
It's probably not legally wrong Carol, just morally. There's a complex we always wanted to goto and we came to book it & were told that no UK based operator dealt with it now, still can't find out who does deal with it though
I may not have made myself very clear in last post. They do deal with Irish customers but not till May ?. Couldnt understand if if they had flights available and accodation then why couldnt they let someone who wanted to go go.
It's probably not legally wrong Carol, just morally.
Actually, it is legally wrong. EEC law prohibits any discrimination on grounds of nationality in the provision of goods and services, and the last time I checked, Spain was a member of the EEC.
Who is it specifically who told you that you couldn't book there? The Hotel, or a Travel Agent?
Was First Choice who said could not go until May.
This Hotel is a First Choice Hotel and cannot be booked directly.
I think the only way you are likely to get a definitive answer to this one, really, is if you write a letter to First Choice stating what you were told when you tried to book, and asking them for an explanation as to why they wouldn't accept your booking.
Generally the holiday seasons run 1st November to 1st May as far as flights are concerned. I work for a company and we have allocations on various FCA flights from UK. Sometimes our allocation isn't fully booked, and so seats could be available, but they are not allowed to be sold by anyone but ourselves (well they can be sold as standby but thats another story!!) Perhaps this complex was booked under guarantee to the UK arm of the holiday company up until 1st May? Did you ask whether, if you had flown into UK to take up the holiday, that would have been possible? It's just a thought?
It is too late now anyway but I could have flown to the UK and availed of Holiday (flights from Ireland arranged by myself). But still it makes no sense if the Holiday was not fully booked and was not going to be as we tried 4 days before that they would rather have no-one go than transfer the accomadation from the UK.

Next time, perhaps you will think about flying to UK to pick up the flights etc, my daughter and son in law do that all the time from Ireland. It is just so much cheaper, especially with Ryanair!
i think you may find that it something to do with the pricing and will be to do with the accom not the flights , the company i work for has offices in Germany , Holland , Ireland and here is the uk , but we can not take a call from anyone in Germany or Holland and in some occasions Ireland as the costs are totally different , in fact i have had to turn a German customer away recently even thou there was accom available to the Uk and teh German office had sold out of there accom and said ring teh Uk , as Germany could see we had accom , sounds stupid but taht was the expalanation the chief executive gave me when i queried it
Suppose this must be one of those things I dont fully understand but have to accept.
another thing is i found a very good deal going to the canaries via a irish travel agency/operator when i rang and gave my english address tehy would not accept the booking from me as i had a uk postal address
Ok I have gotton over not going in April and am now looking forward to 2006 and went to book for 2 weeks in July 2006. Guess what 2006 is not yet available for the Irish market and wont be untill either June or July (by which time the date I require may be gone). I checked out First Choice in UK and judging my prices and the fact that I can book it now I am seriously thinking of booking going from some UK airport.

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