Half board for 2 adults+1child(3years old)+1baby is 330 Euro for one week at the hotel we have booked.
I am wondering how much dinner and breakfast would cost us if we dont do halfboard and eat out instead.
Any suggestions?
Thant sounds reasonable to me, but personally I am always concerned about the food they serve , & if we will like it or not.
I would hate to have paid up for a week 7 find it was just terrible.
Do they have an option where you can pay at the Hotel on a daily basis ?
A lot of places do, & it is often cheaper & you have the option of eating away from the Hotel should you choose.
We did this recently in Majorca, & it worked really well. The evening meals worked out at a third of the weekly price in full, & we only ate there on the days that we were feeling like not moving from around the pool!
We use the option of breakfast for our family. Most complexes offer full buffet style at reasonable cost and you are free to pick where you have your evening meal. Try a quote, it might work out quite reasonable compared with buying bacon,eggs, fruit and fruit juice, cake ,pancakes....

Dinner will cost approx 10/11 euros per person for a main meal.
When we went last august we were paying 45 euros for 4 - 2 adults and 2 children with drinks.
Also depends on resort..............some resorts can be pretty small and so the choice of restaurants may be limited. For that price it's worth the gamble of H/B and if it's not suitable you can still afford to eat out.
I e-mailed the hotel (Grupotel Macarella in Calan Bosch).
We have to pay 27 Euro per person/day for halfoboard or 12 Euro for Breakfast if we decide to upgrade when we arrive.
This adds up to 473 for the whole family for HB or 210 for breakfast for all of us.
If this is true, its a lot more expensive then if we book it in advance(330 Euro for halfboard) I thought that it was often cheaper to upgrade at the hotel.
The hotel is located close to the marina where I understand there are restaurants so we are tempted to eat out on this holiday.
Hi there , We usually stay half board where ever we go, but last year in majorca after a couple of days my wife said she did not like the food that they were dishing up so we ended up eating out, so it would make sense to upgrade if the food at the hotel is up to scratch or if not eat out. The down side that i noticed in menorca a couple of years ago i met a couple with 2 small children who had gone self catering and run out of money with 2 days left on thier holiday , at least with half board they would be guaranteed a meal for them and the kids. The wife and i and another couple helped them with a bit of cash .
I was there a couple of weeks ago and the prices for a meal vary starting at about 5-6 euros for an adult main course, and many of the restaurants do childrens meals with a drink etc..
I agree with one of the other postings, about not knowing what the food in the hotle is like, in some cases you can be lumbered with a lot of repetition, or if the quality of food isnt up to much your stuck with eating there regardless or having to pay to go elsewhere.
I'd personally say, forget the upgrade, and enjoy trying out all the great restaurants in cala n bosch!! (el pato is excellent!!)
Caroline & Kirsten

we normally go s/c & the apparments we stay at do breakfast & eveing meal so we could pay on a daily or go out in the resort,last august we decided to go half board at a different hotel in the same resort, for us that was a big mistake i wouldn't eat the food & my daughter would't so we had a meal at lunch time then made a sandwich later the hubby ate the food there (but he would eat anything) so from now on it's s/c for us.

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