has anyone got any ideas what to do on holiday about a bed gaurd?
the hotel does not hire them,my son rolls around a lot and will fall out
of bed without one i dont really want to put a mattress or sofa bed on floor.what do other people do?
Hi. Put the extra pillows blankets and things that are usually in the cupboards on the floor beside him. There may be even cushions or something as well. Karen
Foldable bed guard at the above link and also at Mothercare not sure about the weight though for flying, the guard in the link below is inflatable so should be lighter.
I bought a travel bed guard which folds up reasonably small and is light weight. When we arrived on holiday, we put our son who was 3 at the time, to bed on the matress on the floor that way he could roll out of a bed.
Beware of putting children to bed on the floor, at one hotel we stayed at a Mum found two cockroaches sharing her child's bed in the morning, presumingly attracted by the dark and warmth.
Have you checked the Argos catalouge as I THINK there's a portable bed guard in there. I know they do a travel stair gate and am fairly sure that the bed guard is portable as well. Not got kids but was looking in that part of catalouge for something else and saw it.
Hi Cate, this is the one we bought, it is quite lightweight and folds down into a small suitcase which was great. All members in my family who have kids have borrowed it and my cousin is using it this year for yer 2 year old seeing as my son is now 6 and doesn't need it anymore.
I've just ordered 2 of the Slumber Bumpers - reckon they are safer and easier to transport than the metal bedguards that I WAS going to take with us. I should have them on Tuesday - can't wait!
I've not got kids so don't know how good it is but here's the details of the bed guard I know of, it's suitable for child age 18months-5 years. Argos Extra catalouge, page 1521, item 15, Tomy folding soft bed rail, item no. 375-3701, price £19.99. According to the description it folds down to allow child to get into bed.
I have just become a Selling Agent for the Slumber Bumper (inflatable bedguard - perfect for holidays) and Holi-Doze inflatable travel cots (also perfect for holidays) if anyone is interested send me a message for more info.