every time we go abroad we find that there are many many different "brands" of water available at different prices.
is there any difference in the quality of these branded waters & if so does it justify the price difference ?
just wondering.
well some will say they are from far away springs and some will be well known brands but if it's for brushing your teeth I wouldn't worry. I don't find a differece as long as it's cold and refreshing thats fine.
Just make sure there is a proper seal on the bottle and that YOU open it.
For example, in Tunisia you'll be asked by waiters whether yu want 'fizzy' or 'still' water but unlike most local UK brands the 'fizzy' isn't ordinary spring water that has been carbonated at the time of bottling but is naturally fizzy and what makes it fizzy is the naturally occuring minerals in it. I can't remember the name but it comes in a slightly bluish glass bottle with a beer bottle-type cap and it does have a distinctive taste with only a slight fizz on the tongue and you'll possibly puzzle over what it reminds you off - and the answer is Andrews Liver Salts! Hence why it is marketed locally as an aid to digestion and why if you drink it you'll never experience any constipation while you're away! I do wonder whether when people come back from Tunisia complaining of tummy upsets whether it might have more to do with the water they drank rather the food they ate.
Parents of young babies needing to make up feeds need to pay particular attention in some countries because though all bottled waters will be pure in the sense of being uncontaminated and safe to drink not all of it is safe to use for babies because of the high mineral salt levels contained in some of them. I would always suggest that parents double check whether a given water is safe for using for babies feeds and drinks because of this.

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