i don't think there is any clubs that just cater for teenagers that don't sell alcohol . i think almost everywhere sells drink , even to teenagers , regardless of their age . we have just got back , we had our 14 year old daughter with us [ who looks younger ] and her 14 year old friend . as we were walking along at night , the young lads and girls who give out leaflets to try and get you into the clubs were actually trying to get them into the clubs with promises of cheap drinks etc . so if i were you , to be on the safe side , i would go out with them and go into a club with entertainment on to suit all the family . most places do cabaret and a disco , so just tell the girls they can sit at their own table , but at least you will be on hand to keep an eye on them .
Oh well they will have to put up with us keeping our beady eye on them

Thanks for that ..Hope you had a good time....

Last year I sent my 15 year old daughter to the bar to get the drinks a few times, just to see what would happen. She got served without any problems at all. I don't want to worry you but half the drinks the kids use (Bacardi breezers etc) look, and taste like soft drinks anyway, so your girls could be drinking right in front of you and you wouldn't know. All they need to do is get some willing lad (is there any other kind?) to go and get the drinks so you don't see them at the bar.
It may be an idea to talk to your daughters and maybe allow them 1 or 2 drinks a night which you can monitor.
Also if you allow them a little drink every now and then when they do turn 18 they probably won't go mad like a lot of "legal" drinkers and end up hospital having their stomach pumped because they don't know their limits.
just got back form Benidorm,and a lot of the girls out on the town looked no older than 15.They got served with no problems
Hi, The legal drinking age in Spain was 16 but I believed it may has just been raised to 18. Like Burnsey I have allowed my children to have 1 or 2 drinks when abroad with us and christmas etc from they were 16 and they too are sensible drinkers now they are 23 and 20. Unlike 2 of their friends whos parents where very strict, use to drink behind their backs and both ended up being found lying totally out of it by strangers here in England when they had gone on a secret drinking session. I believe that if you can show your kids that drink is a social pleasure they respect it and you more. Karen
heya.. im a regular to benidorm and shamelessly i ahve been getting served alcohol in the bars and clubs since i was 13.....so... there ya go on that one..lol..but as long as your girls are sensible lasses...then i wouldnt worry..theres always other english kids to hang around with... and they tend to look out for each other..well we did!lol..the drinking age in spain is 16..but you ahve to be 18 to seve/work behind a bar (not that they adhide to the rules lol)... so... yeh they'll get served no doubt but every teenager doesnt want a leech around them..especially in benidorm lol
I probably sounded like an old fogie who hates the demon drink!!! I'm not at all ..both my husband and I like a few when we go out. We have always allowed our girls to have a drink on special occcassions etc... I just wanted them to enjoy themselves on holiday. I dont even mind if they do get a bit squidy ...they are on holiday afterall!!!!
However, I know that when I have been out in Benidorm (over the last couple of years) I have ended up (on the odd occassion) absolutely legless.....

Any way ...I now know that I will keep an eye on them .....12 sleeps to go....and counting

If anyone could enlighten me to the liscensing laws in Spain I would be grateful.
Thanks in advance
EDIT: I have merged your enquiry with this similar previous topic, which may provide some useful info
David HT Mod

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