recently returned from egypt, we flew out 13/6/05 and stayed on the MS Nile Treasure anyone else go on the holiday.
We booked with cruise control in february we were (me and parents) suppose to fly out of manchester directly to luxor at approx 10am with monarch. our flight was changed 5days before we were due to fly because apparently cruise control had over booked the monarch flight.
people who booked a week before travelling were placed on this flight instead of us (no disrepect to anyone). yet a couple we spoke to said there were free seats on the monarch flight, what the hell are cruise control playing at?
so our flight was changed from 10am to 1pm when we checked in my dad asked is the flight on time and the reply? sorry we don't have a plane at the moment, not only our flight time was changed but the air company was as well, we went from monarch to flyjet.
we finally left manchester at 4:30pm n stopped in gatwick even though we paid for a direct flight we arrived at luxor 1am egyptian time.
anyway enough of the flight what did people think about the cruise in general my dad isn't happy he thought the food entertainment and tours were poor. he's gonna report cruise control for false advertisement as the holiday was advertised as a 7 day cruise we cruised for only 28hrs in ONE WEEK!!!
if anyone else had a problem with the flights,cruise or the holiday in general please reply as the more people that go for cruise control hopefully something will be done. thanks sorry for babbling lucy
I have also had my flights changed to FlyJet, but yesterday I received my tickets informing me that they have also changed my hotel, I am now booked into the Hilton Luxor instead of the Meriden. I have sent Cruise Control an email asking why it has taken them 6 months to realise that the hotel is overbooked. I don't expect to get a reply, they never do. Whenever I ring I just get put in a queue but never get to speak to anyone. I wouldn't recommend this company to anybody.
If you receive the "View from the Bridge" magazine that Cruise Control send out, you may find the email address of some senior people in there. Unless they have stopped printing it due to a very high volume of complaints!!
as for takinf 6months for them to realise the meridien is over booked i'm really not suprised, we had to wait 3 months to get abu simbel for free they made a cock up on there website so we took advantage of it, abu simbel was advertised as being in 10 free excursions so we made sure we got it for free.
we spent about £30 on phone calls ringing them.
Other members of my family have also only had decent experiences with this company. Not arguing with the previous posters, but felt it was only fair to give credit where its due.
I came back from a cruise 11th July 2005, was supposed to be on M/s Liberty for a week
but they had taken it out of service and not informed us until we landed at Luxor airport. We were put on another ship.
I am at this moment claiming compensation from Cuise Egypt for breaching their contract with me for not informing me of the change in my holiday ( they have been having problems with M S Liberty for months)
To contact Cruise Egypt/Control send email to: XXXXXXX
EDIT: Personal e-mail address removed from this post
David HT Mod
(For example in Thomson's current brochure, they say:
)At the time of printing we plan to fly with Thomson (Thomson flights are operated by Britannia Airways Ltd) and other airlines. If we have to change your flight airline or aircraft type it does not count as a major change
So I would expect every other TO to say similar things ( I just happened to have thomson's brochure to hand)
So far as the change of ship is concerned this happens frequently. There are over 250 cruise ships on the Nile atthe moment, many of them brought into service in the last few years. With the downturn in travel to Egypt - War in Iraq, SARS, terrorism etc have all affected numbers - many ships are, in effect, "mothballed".
Some cruise ship operators own and run several ships, which are contracted out to a large number of TOs, both British and foreign.
With many holidays available right up to the day of departure, the ship operators frequently do not know until the very last minute how many passengers they have on each ship.
What happened to us was that Flash Tours ( the Egyptian operators of the cruise ships) had two ships due to sail, both one-third full.
They amalgamated the two parties onto one larger ( and incidentally better) ship. Everyone got a great holiday, and Flash only had operating costs for one ship to carry.
Unless the ship you were moved to was of a significantly lower standard than that originally booked - which I rather doubt knowing the standard of Nile cruisers - I doubt you have any grounds for complaint.
My argument is, I received pictures of M S Liberty in May 05 of a suite which was in a disgusting condition, (I had booked a suite) I sent these photo's to Cruise Control/Egypt, adding that I would be getting my money back etc, etc (this was 2 months before my cruise)
So...........they knew for months of the problems they were having with the ship.
I have been offered compensation and I am awaiting the final details.
My arguement is, they knew there were serious problems, they knew they had to take the ship out of service, so I should have been informed.
They also run the MS Diamond and MS Treasure

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