Just got back from Oceania. It was wonderful. We were upgraded to a deluxe room for 2 days because our room was not ready but then changed to junior deluxe which was still great. They gave us 3 bottles of Asti to say sorry. Food was great, put on half a stone! Staff were really polite with an excellent mixture of English, German and Slovakian.
The whole place was clean and friendly. Yes, you had to get up at around 8am to get a sunbed which was annoying but didn't upset us.
The kids club is very well equipped and staff again were good.
Evening entertainment was acceptable but too late. 10pm is far too late to put on Kids shows but it is because the meals are on till about 11pm.
Once word of adive, get to the eveing meal before 8pm otherwise you queue.
We will be going again for definite.
This place IS better than the Sani resort down the road.
First Choice and the rep (Gemma) were excellent.
Apparently, people are still cancelling. THEY ARE MAD!
This hotel had problems when it first opened but is now truly fantastic moneys worth.