The Developers told us our Apartment in Turkey would be finished end of June (Not too bad only 2 Months Late)
To give them some Lee Way we decided to go over at the end of July to take possession, put in Furniture etc.
There was me mentally patting myself on the Back at how smoothly everything was going, and wondering what all the Fuss was about regarding things going wrong in Turkey during House buying etc.
Anyway called the Developer today just to confirm that the Apartment was ready for us to put Furniture in. Reply came back, 'Yes you can put Furniture in but you can't move in because the Electric Supplier hasn't connected the Electricity yet'
It looks as if it's not the Developers fault and they have promised to pay for our Accommodation during the visit which is good.
However if I would have known about this sooner I would have just postponed our visit to later in the Year when it will be cheaper and quieter.
Anyway looking on the Bright side we have 2 weeks in Turkey to look forward to and that is always good
at least the developers are paying for your accomodation- mind you have YOU picked the accomodation or have they??!
We managed to find a Villa at short notice 50 Pounds a Night and they aid they would cover it,
have a good holiday! Hope the apartment is how you want it. You must be excited!
The same happened to me. ours should ve been finished middle of may but just about ready now. I went over to sort some furniture 20th may ish and it was " yes you can stay in your apt no problem ". First of all he was nt there to pick me up from the airport then after i managed to get a lift i went to my apt to discover there was no glass in the windows and still far from finished. Not very happy but the shop has stored the furniture for me until August.
Yes, I suspected mine was not an isolated case, if you don't mind my asking where is your Apartment Located? Ours is in Dalaman,
the developer should be paying you compensation for the time he is over. have you got a contract? If you had not paid your money on time guaranteed he would soon be after you. Check all your paperwork to see if the developer owes you big time
hi Jordy, My apt is in Altinkum and it does have a clause in the contract to say that if not finished by 15th May then the builder will pay me £300 per month. I have nt really bothered pursuing this as i think it might not be easy to get. Am i wrong on this and has anyone ever managed to use this clause? The agent kind of looked at me daft when i mentioned it to him as though it does nt really mean what it says type thing. Chelsea Boy do you know if these things ever get actioned? Cheers,Tibbs.
If they keep their promise and pay for the accommodation I'll be satisfied, assuming of course that the Electricity problem doesn't drag on indefinitely
I put clauses in my contracts to protect my clients further they never pay all the money up front and, dont pay until tapu is through and all defects are rectified. Therefore if you havent paid up front then its not a case of recovering money more a case of deducting it from the final payment. And to be fair to the developers we also allow them longer than they say it will take to complete -so if they say June 1st we state july 1st in the contract.
Hiya Bryn, My clause says £300 per month. I`m not too sure if its finished yet. Is it standard practise to deduct this sum from the final payment or not? My problem is nt really with the builder but more with the agent who has ` gone off the boil ` since he has had his money. I still owe the builder £5k so what is the norm? Thanks,Tibbs.
If its not finished dont pay the amount thats why I wont let a client pay the full amount until there is agreement,on the delay sometimes the builder is not at fault then I go to the client and explain the situation and arbitrate and we try to reach an amical agreement - maybe half way but if the builder is at fault he looses simple as that.
Have you had your solicitor translate the contract into english and notorised? If so its legally binding and the builder has to pay. Sometimes electricity is not connected until the ruhsat is complete. If there is a problem with the build then the ruhsat can be refused. If you have a solicitor then make him earn his fee. Why should you pay for the incompetence of others.
I have a contract which is in both Turkish and English drawn up at the solicitors. What do you mean by `notarised`? Mine definately states £300 per month unfinished. Is it the done thing to pursue this? If it was coming off the agents commission then i would nt hesitate but we quite like the builder so...? Thanks,Tibbs.
Check with your solicitor, after all you paid for the contract and he should enforce it.
good luck
Tibbs if you like the builder as you say then goto him and explain that if its not finished quickly you will invoke the penalty clause and see if you can get him to get a move on without falling out with him. you are now two months late so he should have it all done by now.
Thanks for the sound advice. I`ve not pushed too much over this as i had no plans to use the apt until this August. I kind of said to the builder , ok the delay is ok just finish it off to a high standard. If when i get over there it is nt then i shall be taking a little trip to the solicitors to see whats what. I owe him £300 for the solar panel which might be a good place to start. Cheers, Tibbs.
Hope it goes well for you and you have it all finished when you get there.

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