I found this company on the web & basically having researched all our parking options at Heathrow for 11 nights they actually came up cheaper than the car parks
The service offered is not the standard VIP style parking, you pre-arrange to meet a rep at the drop off point at the front of the terminal, they help to unload your luggage and then take your car away to a secure location (they don't say where because of "security issues" ) They then meet you outside the terminal on your return and hand your keys over and off you go....so no waiting for a transfer bus and navigating your car out of a field
I'm just a little apprehensive because there are no customer comments on the site nor is it the most informative website on the net. Apparently they're insurance covers your car up to the value of 30k and you're charged on length of stay and more importantly the size of the car......one place where small is an advantage
I'm thinking of contacting local Trading Standard in the area to ascertain if they are legit....is this my best course of action
Thanks in advance
To reduce repetition, please post any replies to the similar enquiry in our Heathrow parking topic:

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