Great idea, aslemma - will give that one a try.
Have you ever had the spare lock used by customs after a search?
Not so far Sagres, as far as I know I've never had my case searched, but it's better to be safe than sorry so I think it's worth doing.
Nevertheless, it's a brilliant solution to a tricky problem.Thanks.
"cling film" style security services.
I would imagine you use these to ensure your case is not tampered with, and if it was, you would easily know.
I wonder what the situation will be if you use one of those I would imagine you use these to ensure your case is not tampered with, and if it was, you would easily know.

My parents did a RTW 2 yrs ago and their last flights were in to and then out of USA. When they got their cases home they knew that theirs ahd been searched but didn't mind as everything was put back pretty much where they'd packed it. At LA they could see part of the screening area and what was happening was that cases were put on the table upside down and then opened and the staff were putting items back in layer by layer. I was impressed as it means that breakables are likely to still be in the middle but even better notes had been put in their suitcases giving details of who to contact if they had any problems. Only know cos i asked mum and dad how strict security was in States and they said that strictest they found was New Zealand. Have to say that I like the idea of cable ties. I think that in the case of suitcases that have combi locks which have to be locked to secvure the case that security have means of getting round the lock without damaging it somehow although I've an idea to solve that one. Set the combination to what's needed to open case then put duck tape over it to stop dials moving, security staff should have sense to just remove the tape.
I use combination locks and if security want to search my cases they only have to ask me to open it up. I don't expect it to be searched without me being present.
I find it quite surprising that this happens with locked cases.
When we went to Mexico every case was searched on the way in but it was done in front of you.
McBabe...American Homeland Security are a law unto can't argue otherwise they just put you on a flight back home!
I noticed in a store last week some combination locks that were approved for the USA - According to the blurb US customs are able to open them. Did not take a great deal of noticeat the time. It really is very simple! If customs wish to open a case with or without you present then they will do so. If you have nothing to hide why worry? We also live in a world beset by problems I would rather be safe than sorry. Talking of dishonest employees really is a red herring. You get them in all walks of life.
slightly different scenerio, we have recently returned from Paphos. we checked our cases in and went to the X ray machine. Put thru the flight bag, and lo and behold asked to empty it. The lady customs/security couldn't find anything wrong, took me back to the machine and showed me the pictures of the bag. There was a very good picture of a corkscrew/knife/ bottle opener, finally found it between the outer cover and hard bottom of the bag. This had been in the bag all holiday, not used and totally un-noticed by us. The cautionary tale however is that it wasn't discovered at Gatwick on our departure, so how good is our airport security???
As for all the clothıng etc you have to pack, ıf they are valuable to you, as laborıous as ıt sounds, make a lıst of each and every ıtem as you pack ıt. Borıng I know but ıf anythıng goes mıssıng at least you wıll have a full lıst of all ıtems ın-case you need to claım from the ınsurance company.
Sıgn your lıst of contents and have a wıtness sıgn too as you lock ıt. If you are travellıng from/to a rısky country photograph or vıdeo ıt as you lock ıt. Put an extra lock on for securıty wıth a strap belt. You can actually buy stıckers that you can fıx to your case to say ıt has been securely packed and wıtnessed by another peson.
Please note these seals are available in both plastic and metal, I'm refering to the plastic types, these can be taken off by hand, the metal type require shears of some sort.
Would you rather they searched NO bags and missed the one with the bomb?
Personally I would like to see them check the cases as they are supposed to, with the owner present!
her friends and her joined the queue and then put up their tent overnight ready to get tickets the next morning
the security came very early in the morning and wakened the people in tents to enable them to pack up the tent and after getting the ticket
taking the tent to a secure locker
her brother had lent her his warm sleeping bag
she was in it already when she discovered a swiss army knife in the pocket of it
it had not been discovered at the airports and she brought it home again and no one noticed !!!!
WHen I went Thailand I took a smaller pack so it could go on plane with me as I have heard stories of things being planted in bags and then those people get grassed up to security so the passenger with the real stash gets through whilst security are dealing with the 'mule'. They cant check bags without you being there if you dont let it out of your site and in some countries how do you prove you are innocent? I was searched by armed gunman coming out of India because my friend had spilt aromotherapy oil in the bags on way out and it had dried into the passports and they accused us of having drugs because of the smell! It was very scary and they checked lipsticks etc - I was really scared because you cant really argue as they dont listen and we obviously were innocent but it is still frightening trying to convince men with guns in a foreign country. I didnt think they could do it without you being present that is very scary! I need to go and check that out now!
On October 4th this year, we flew from Birmingham to Palma on a Thomas Cook flight. We had two cases both secured with combination locks and a case strap on each. On arrival at Palma one case came bouncing along the carousel without the strap and without the combination lock. Actually it went past us once because we had not recognised it without the strap. We immediately opened it to check - there was no note anywhere to say it had been opened or checked but it seemed they had 'gone down' into the case because the thing which had spurred the interest was a small travel kettle which had been in a wash bag - this was left open and we can only think it was this which had showed up on Xray. We were very annoyed particularly as my husband (it was his case) had unwisely put his house and car keys in there, (unbeknown to me). Everything else was there but it was very annoying to find this had been done with not even a sticky note anywhere by way of explanation. The travel kettle goes in the hand baggage or stays at home next time!
isnt that just like a man to put house keys and cars in the suitcase! HAHA I flew out of Gatwick last year cant remember where to now but think it was only Belfast or Dublin and my electric toothbrush went off whilst packed in my suit case and the staff had put it out on the tarpac so so there is was by itself buzzing away which was very embarassing but they did call me out of the queue from the boarding gate to empty the case in front of them so they could see what it was! There was a bit of a crowd and think some of the boys bit disappointed it was only my toothbrush!!
Another cautionary tale. En route to Houston via Gatwick we dropped our cases off in early November this year (dropped off at early check at Gatwick on the night before). I was travelling with my sister and we had both just bought those much vaunted new P...... locks which various U.S. luggage inspectors and others are supposed to have the keys to lock and relock. These were placed on our luggage. On arrival at Houston the next day my sister's case came around minus the P.....e lock. If you are thinking of using these locks - don't bother. Anything you may choose may be cut off. There was no note or indication as to whether it had been removed at Gatwick or Houston. My own lock was still on. I would just make sure no valuables etc. were in your case and keep anything necessary/ valuable in your hand luggage. And perhaps keep a couple of spare locks with you.
We never have any valuables in our cases now but it makes your hand luggage a bit of a pain.

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