Hi i didn't think people were scared of them as much as me untill i read this thread, i never look for them at home but the minute i get to spain i start.
I only ever book apartments that are new, as have stayed in old buildings and seen them, thats it for me then, i'm looking for them all the time
i can't sleep at night and won't go to the toilet untill morning just incase i see one in the bathroom,i was chased by a waiter with one in Tenerife and i run for my life, if people know your scared they try to frighten you more
My problem this year is, i have tried to book an apartment (new) but none available for my dates, the only one i can get is quite old, i told the agent that i was scared of cockroaches, but he told me he had not seen any and nobody had reported seeing any. The apartment is on the second floor, but wait for it...... it's over the top of a bakers
so what do i do take a chance and book it, or not go, then i think to myself why should i let them spoil my holiday, but i know if i get there and see one i'll be an hysterical wreck.
please let me know what you would do?