Hey all, Im a 21 year old from the UK who loves to travel.
Got a few questions so bare with me and I'll look forward to your replys.
I'm thinking of going to malta to work and live for just a couple months then move on to another european country
How easy is it to get work in malta? not highly specialised work but 'generic' work like bar work/shop work etc
(whilst I don't mind doing bar work and such just to sustain me untill I move on, I do have GNVQ and MSCE in computing would this get a better job?)
Secondly How cheap is it to rent a resonable place (one bedroom but something moderatly nice)
Basicly will it be feasible to go to malta and get a job for a couple months and live off the earnings?
Many thanks for any advice.
Mr Cox
Although Malta is in the EU, its labour market isn't open. To legally work at a barman etc is difficult. However, it is easier to get a visa for highly skilled jobs, such as in computing. I would guess bar work pays around LM 1.50-3.00 (ie £2.50-5.00)/hour - thats what building labourers get paid. Working illegally goes on, but if found out its taken seriously. Have a look at
http://www.etc.gov.mt/ - infact there is a job showing for a bartender who is an EU citizen (see under latest vacancies vacancies, european)
pay shows as £4.85/hr = LM3/hr for 48 hr week, which is good for Malta
Rent - maybe LM 100-200/month - search on http://www.franksalt.com.mt/letsearch.asp
Though I thought one of the great advantages of the EU is that anyone from the EU can go and work anywhere else within the EU just like that???

Malta, was given up to 7 years to introduce some EU laws, and even after then can still impose restrictions in certain cases. Any other help I can give, just ask
Well thats kind of hindered my plans,
As im young and free I just wanted to move around place to place, stay for a few months then move on.
I thought Malta would be the easiest place to start as they speak english.
I had visions of just going, staying, finding a job then staying some more.
Guess I'll have to look at another first destination then....

Many thanks again
It's amazing that EU nationals are generally unable to get employment in Malta. I'm a PhD chemist and wouldn't even be considered for a post at Malta University, (their loss - ha ha!), so I hardly think that they are going to offer non specialised jobs to others.
Here in the UK anybody is welcome whether they can work or not. I don't even think you need to be an EU national. Just make out you're seeking asylum and you can stay!
I have just had a look at that job on the ETC site - the address is c/o EURES OFFICE. That means the vacancy is not in Malta but another European country, probally UK as the salary is quoted in GP£ - I thought Lm3 an hour for barwork was a bit too good to be true for Malta!!!!!!!!!
My son has just completed a three month contract as a waiter/barman during his university summer break, Lm2 an hour, that is very good by Malta standards, (a lot of places pay Lm1.50 or Lm1.75) he also recieved on average an additional 50cents an hour tips. No doubt Computer work pays much better!
Coxxxy, you could try submitting your CV to the ETC site, or try these:
Don't forget to mention which languages you have any knowledge of, this helps.
Best of luck
Malta managed to negotiate a few things like this - I think the EU was more worried about the negotiations with Poland than little old Malta, and Malta got whatever it wanted (as long as it didn't involve EU money). I know a few EU citizens who are now working in Gozo, both professionl (a dentist) and no-professional (a waitress) so its not impossible
my mistake - when it says European, that must mean jobs in Europe, not jobs for Europeans in Malta then ! TBH. LM 3/hour did seem high !
I only know because I made the same mistake, I didn't mean to sound like a little miss clever clogs

When a vancancy says to apply to an address in Hal-Far and no mention of overseas, I think most people assume the job is actually in Malta! If you visit the Job Center in Zachary Street Valletta you will notice all the job ads are meticulously displayed on different notice boards according to industry, but quite often have no indication as to which country the job is in, apart from "apply EURES OFFICE." !!!! But I am sure there must be a completely logical reason behind this.
Hello Trev,
Sorry didn't see you when I typed my last post - I went up on the roof to see the eclipse, forgot to refresh the page, so didn't see you had posted in the meantime, didn't mean to be rude by not saying hello to you too.
Yes, I am sure it is the University of Malta's loss not having you on their staff, but only last week there was a feature on the local TV news suggesting more students should study science subjects at post secondary level.

Sorry, I'm not a clever person myself so not sure if this is of any interest to you, but MCAST are advertising for lecturing staff

Thank you for that link. I'll have a good look at it. I really don't think I'm that clever either, I just have a great interest in science particularly chemistry, which I worked hard at. My wife Sue doesn't think I'm that bright!!!
It's a pity that youngsters are turning away from science subjects in preference for the arts type subjects. It's certainly happening in the UK as well. It must be how the subject is being taught or the perception that the sciences are hard and boring, which I can assure you they're not.
I would certainly encourage any youngster to study sciences because it would seem obvious that the way things are going good scientists might well be in great demand in the future. What is your son studying at Uni?
Hi Trev,

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