Booked two week accommadation to Panorama Apartment, Sivota. When we got to Preveza Airport we were told tha Kosmar had overbooked. We were told that we would be staying in the Marianthi Apartment. These were sub standard. The view was terrible instead of a harbour and yachts we could see an abandoned car and a very noisy air conditioning unit. There were missing tiles and holes in the walls. No bar and a dangerous swimming pool. On one occasion the owner put in chlorine powder in the pool with no warning signs, luckily enough one of our party saw him. We had booked two x two bed apartments instead we got a twin bedded apartment per couple.
After much discussion and due to our perseverance we were moved to an alternative accommodation in another town. If we hadn't 'nagged' we could have ended up staying in the apartment for the whole fortnight. We feel the first week was wasted.
I would advise you to speak to Ros Fernihough on 01922 621114 asap. She is a travel law solicitor and assists our members when requested. She will offer you free advice on your circumstances.
Please keep us informed.

We travelled with Kosmar last sept to pefkohori in halkidiki. We booked the Ioli village apartments which looked lovely in the brochure. We booked 11 months in advance and paid full price.When we arrived the apartments looked every bit as nice as in the brochure but then we were escorted right to the back of the complex to the ugliest, grottiest dirtiest accomodation we have ever seen and when we entered I nearly died our view from the balcony was a dirty brick wall we couldn't even see daylight. We complained the next day but had to endure our first week before they would move us. After loads of corospondence with Kosmar they were not prepared to compensate us So I got in touch with Ros Fernihough, who duly wrote to Kosmar still they would not admit liability Mrs Fernihough said the only way to go was the small claim court which would cost me by this time I'd had enough and decided to drop it as my health wasn't to good.
WE all accept the sewage system in GREECE is different from that at home and are quite happy to put the soiled tissue paper in a the bin provided next to the loo.... but when it is not emptied after 4 days we asked our KOSMAR rep when it would be done.. REPLY... if it's causing a problem , there is a public waste bin in the high street if you would like to empty it yourself.... thanks KOSMAR but no thanks....[/b]
Can anybody give me a clue in how to contact a Kosmar rep to make a complaint . If you want to pay for an excursion or an upgrade they are there straight away but otherwise they have taken lessons from the invisible man
I travelled to Kos a few years ago with Libra and were burgled, the doors were left so they could not be locked, Libra were very unhelpful except two the two young blondes from the next door apartment who were also burgled, the rep took them in his car to Kos town to get replacement travellers cheques, he wouldnt even come with us to the police station.
Anyway they refused to move us so we had to stay in our apartments for two days till the locks were fixed. Then a nice Kosmar rep had heard what happened and came to see us, was really nice as we had to revisit the police station, and then they introduced us to some lovely locals with a taverna and we were fed and watered (greek style) for no cost for the remainder of our weeks stay, just wish i had had the thought to note her name down as i would have loved to send a compliment to Kosmar.
I have travelled with them ever since, sure once my flight time was changed from brochure time by two hours, but that was ok i suppose as they did state flight times were subject to CAA approval.
We had the same problem in Kos either 2 or 3 years ago, we were staying at the fannia2 apartments it was with golden sun though we were burgled on our first night ,we were asleep in the room, the gs reps did not help at all, but wonder of wonders Kosmar came to the rescue, and like you we have gone with them eversince and never had a moments trouble

Sorry to upset anyone, but we have travelled to different islands with Kosmar for the last 5 years and would not think about travelling with any other company. We have always found them and the reps very helpful. MAYBE we have just been very lucky?
Hi Caw, my moan was not about Kosmar, it was about Libra not being helpfull, the Koamar rep did all she could to help us that is why since then we have always travelled with Kosmar, we are going to crete with them again in June and cant wait, hope the clears any missunderstanding
re the flights with them, they are a company totally at the mercy of the airlines as they dont own their own planes, they also use some foreign charter airlines who presumably are cheaper but that is why often the return flights leave resort before the outbound leave uk ...if that makes sense.
I've used Kosmar in the past and flown from Glasgow. They didn't tell us till we were on the plane that we would be touching down at Newcastle to pick up passengers there. We lost half a day as a result of this. Although the reps were helpful, Kosmar guests were put in an obviously inferior part of the hotel compared to the Thomson guests. We were in a lower ground floor, looking out to a big dark tree which blocked the sun, (blocked everything) and the furniture in the rooms was noticeably much older that the rooms allocated to Thomson guests. Anyway, its not an issue now as Kosmar dont fly to Thessaloniki from Glasgow now, or should I say Excel airways.

We had the same problem when going to Santorini in August. Your flight tickets will arrive eventually, they are just very slow in sending them out! We got our tickets I think 10/9 days to travel.

Please note that this section of the site is intended only for members requiring advice or assistance with a specific holiday complaint. General discussion about tour operators or airlines takes places in their respective forums.

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