You have to pay for the turkish baths etc, they aren't included in price.
If your doing Butterfly Valley do it separatly (not as part of the 6 island trip), as we only got 1 hour there and it'sa 30 min walk into butterfly valley itself. However the season was over and there aren't many butterflys to see, same with Turtle Beach, no turtles at all at this time of year:(
The tombs on the dayalan/turtle beach trip were amazing to see,see if you can get a trip with Attil, it will make your holiday I promise !
I'll speak to Metrolya as soon as we get settled for the trips.
1 more sleep to go. Off tomorrow evening @ 9pm.
Still not packed but I have got the cases down from the attic !!!
Plenty time - tomorrows departure day.
The Hotel is OK - not great (admittedly very clean, but then we've never experienced anything in Turkey less than spotless), the food average at best, the staff mostly indifferent, the wine vile and the beer was NOT EFES!

I found the size of pool area inadequate for the numbers staying there and the biggest disappointment was the gorgeous private beach area, which on our second day was ruined firstly my a couple of men refueling a speedboat (messily spilling the fuel into the lagoon) and then the sight of raw sewage floating by, presumably from one of the hotels a bit further up the coast. (Not really the hotel's fault, admittedly)
Add to this the experience at every breakfast time of hunting around for cutlery and them running out of bread without fail every morning - which just should not happen....
Need some water from your "All Inclusive"? Then buy a big bottle from the shop, drink it, and refill from the Water Cooler until the bottle's knackered - repeat.
The Games Room next to the Kid's Club was staffed by a totally disinterested girl who read a book, pausing only to sell tokens for the games machines. The "Mini Disco" started at 9.30 pm or later - our daughter was too tired to participate to any real degree.
As for the resort of Olu Deniz - again, it's ok, but nothing special. It has no real charm or character.
We spoke to other guests who were repeat visitors to the same hotel going back 6 years: they told us standards had slipped - markedly this year. They say they're not going back.
It looks like this place, as good as its reputation is, is now being run by accountants.
Disclaimer to those about to travel here: I'm not trying to ruin your holiday - our observations didn't ruin ours, we will simply look elsewhere next time. All I'm saying is the hotel didn't live up to the standard of other 4* AIs we've stayed at in Turkey.
Warning for booking next year: I hear that more rooms are to be added to the hotel. I fear the existing facilities will not hold up to the challenge.
After feeling that it was "easier" to go for All Inclusive in our last few trips abroad because of having a toddler, we're now through with it - All you get is cheap facilities, food and drink.
Edited by
2005-10-25 10:37:43
Just returned form 2 weeks at the Sun City Holiday Village.
Had a great time.
I do, however, agree with some of the previous comments.
We thought the food was fabulous with loads of selections with very little repetition during the fortnight.
We got allocated a High Floor Room with Pool View (As requested) although the view was a little obscured by a large palm tree in front of the balcony. The room itself (Room 915) was quite basic but clean. The beds were a little uncomfortable with one flat pillow on each single bed. Our son had the "sofa" bed but was more uncomfortable than our ones!!. The rooms was cleaned daily and sheets changed around every 3 days. The bathroom had seen slightly better days with the bath panel coming off and ceiling's plastic panelling a bit untidy.
This was our second trip to Turkey (Turgutreis on a B&B basis last year) and our first trip on AI.
We personally found AI so much better (Great as long as the food etc is OK which proved beneficial at Sun City) than finding restaurants each day. We noticed the prices for eating out a lot more expensive than last year in Turgutreis when passing the price boards at the resort.
I would say the largest majority of the staff were excellent and most helpful and friendly towards us although one or two (The man behind the Burger Snack Bar for example) to be a bit grumpy at times.
We arrived in the early hours of Tuesday morning (10th) and found the reception and porter staff very helpful.
After a few hours sleep we went to the usual Greeting Party with the Rep in good form (Still trying the usual hard sell though!!) and also had the experience of coming to the resort during a torrential downpour.

The weather thankfully picked up after this and we found the 2 weeks to be excellent with only a couple of cloudy days. The mornings and evenings were considerably more colder than anticipated.

I heard people saying that this was the coldest temperatures in a few years for this time in October.
We found the food excellent during the 2 weeks with the only annoyance being that the food was never hot but instead more "luke warm".
I agree with Villain in respect to the bread and cutlery and found that sometimes the queue for the one "toaster" a bit annoying. It didn't toast it very well either!!
We normally ended up having the omellettes when on and fried eggs with pancakes on other days. The annoying thing here was you constantly had to ask for the eggs to be turned over and cooked on the other side as they usually lay on a plate above the grill so therefore were quite cold. We also asked for the omellettes to be cooked a lot more as they were otherwise very "runny". I can see that this being put down to our our preferential taste so can't really say this is a negative thing.
The Snack Bar burgers, hot dogs and chips from noon till 5pm were pretty basic and sometimes not very hot either. They seemd to grill a load of burgers and then take them from the top to put on your roll. The turkish pizza and pasta were the same as they were only heated over a small flame. The ice cream's were nice on the on days and were provided up to 3pm.
The Lunches were good (Chicken kebabs etc) from 1pm with Tea, Coffee and Cakes (Some of the biscuits tasted like they had been left out a while) around the 4pm mark. The Tea and Coffee did run out quite a few times and the staff were keen to get you out to get the tables prepared for dinner, however.
Dinner we found was excellent throughout the holiday with the only complaints being that the food was normally "luke warm" and the Tea and Coffee did not get put out at Dinner time (You had to go across to the bar afterwards to get this!!, which I could never understand.)
We usually filled our 2 water bottles (In the fridge on arrival) with lemon and orange tang to save us from visiting the bar as often. The same applied to the large Water bottle we purchased from the shop (As villain stated, we refilled this from the water dispenser at the restaurant)
The bar sometimes took an eternity to get served at and we found that when the manager was in attendance all the staff quickened up although did give him preferential treatment over others at the bar.
You would see the girls having to prepare Turkish Coffee or drinks and have them delivered to their table on a tray as soon as they requested anything!.

I even saw one of them at the bar (while it was very busy) asking for more raki to be put into the drink that he had delivered before everyone else in the first place. The barman had to stop preparing the current drinks order for someone at the bar to make sure he got it straight away.

We don't really drink and only had a few vodkas and spent all the other time drinking Coffee. They did run out of Sprite and some spirits (Brandy etc) which would probably have annoyed a few people. (On our day of departure the Sprite ran out around noon!!)
The pool area is larger than a lot of other hotels in Olu (From what I could see looking in on other hotels) although is let down by the reservation of beds (From 7am onwards when we stayed) even with the signs up stating (No towels before 9am). Nobody payed any attention to this and on the last days all the beds were taken by around 8am!!!!
We went to the Private Beach a number of times due to the noise and sometimes rowdy people around the pool and found this area to be excellent and a lot quieter probably due to the fact that AI did not extend to the beach (Apart from Orange and Lemon Tang and some cheese salad rolls at noon). Pedaloes and canoes were free for Sun City too (30 minutes at a time) with a free shuttle service to and from the hotel at various times.
Entertainment was OK I suppose but found the day games limited to darts, water polo and morning exercise and the evenings very repetative (Comedy Sketch show etc) and also found them quite bland. The kids disco (as villain states) started each night around 9:30 with the same songs which got a bit painful after a few days.
The kids play area was fine for very young kids and the pool table and coin arcade games a little outdated and broken. The pool table was terrible!! The girls tried their best with the things they had to offer and were very nice to talk to. The times available for using the facilties were pretty bad though (as villain said) and there was very little for older kids to do to keep them amused.
All in all it was an excellent holiday in a complex that Thomas Cook rate as 3+ although most rate as 4 star. With a little improvement in some areas the Hotel complex would certainly be a 4 star.
The complex could do with treating their staff a little better which would rub off on the guests too (These people work from around 6am to midnight every day for only 9 lira a day), an improvement in the entertainment, sunbed situation and warmer food would certainly go a long way to achieving the 4 star status. As villain said it would appear the place is being run by Accountants therefore I do not see these areas being addressed in the future, unfortunately

We have agreed however that we loved the Olu Deniz resort and found we got little to no hassle and, although the resort itself is quite small, it has excellent scenery and things to occupy you.
We booked the Dalyan mud baths and Jeep Safara through Metrolya (Bloody Georgeous) and got a good price for both with the only negative thing being the Dalyan trip being a little too long in the boat and not enough time at the mud baths due to a top at a Gold Center!!!.
They provide the services of a camera man to take pictures during the trip and then asking £25 for a CD with your pictures and scenery pictures on it.
We didn't buy the Dalyan ones as we thought they were a bit expensive but scored on this front when the same guy appeared on the Jeep Safari to offer us both sets of pictures on one CD for the same price (A bargain, I thought!!). I have checked the CD and scenery pictures included other trips (Pamullake, Ephesus etc) so we got those as a bonus.
We also ad the Turkish Bath and Full Body Massage at the Sun City and got the 3 of us (Our son didn't want the massage!!) for £55. The "All Inclusive" use of the sauna and turkish bath just mean you can use the facilties between 4-7pm as long as no one has booked them.
We have also agreed that we would return to Sun City next year but earlier (probably September) to get better weather (Warmer at night/morning).
I would not like to book another hotel in the same area to find we didn't enjoy the food etc as much.
Current prices show around £2100 for 3 Adults and 1 Child (Through the Thomas Cook Web Site) at Sun City for next September so I have a lot of thinking to do over the next few weeks!!!
If I can think of anything else I will post it up later.
Edited by
2005-10-26 10:10:42
I wouldn't go again, because AI was not great for us honeymooners as we didn't like the drink, and also I don't likegoing to sameplace twice !
They were on us like flies round a bit of $hit and I felt very uncomfortable (even though they stated there was no obligation to purchase!!)
They were pushing me very hard to buy a yellow and white gold gents bracelet which started off at £625

If I wanted to buy jewellery I would go to a place like that on my own, that is my opinion.
Its little wonder they told you not to take a lot of jewellery on the Dalyan trip when they know this is your first stop!! (We took all our gold, diamonds etc and left it in the safe prior to the trip due to the mud and sulphar.)
Does anyone happen to know another email address directly for the Hotel?
I am reluctant to phone as the reception staff didn't speak the greatest of English whle we were there.

I tried loads of times to email, they all came back eventually.....I would just ring and ask to speak to someone who speaks english very well!
Got back yesterday and will give a full report when I have fully adjusted to being home and have got my thoughts together as I think my report may be lengthy - sorry!!!!!
As you will see my report was quite lengthy too!!!
There were so many people around the Hotel we never got a chance to see each other (Either that or we probably bumped into one another around the place but never realised who each other were !!!)
Yes it was a tad busy!!!! I did look out for a couple with teenage son but there were quite a few - I did approach one man but it wasnt you. He must of thought me very strange!!
We probably bumped into each other sevral times either around the hotel or on the beach.
I still have not found a long enough bit of time to write my report but I promise I will.
I agree, there were a lot of people around on your first week (our last week). In fact sometimes a bit too many for our liking and that is why we ended up at the Private Beach, Fethiye Market and a Jeep Safari on our second week!!. I think we only spend two days around the complex during the day on that week due to it all.
I never had any strange people approaching me during that week either although I did look around in the morning and evening at various people thinking that you would be one of them!!! (Everyone must have thought I was a tad strange too)
I suspect that your report may be as long as mine as a common theme seems to be appearing on posts for the complex.
I have emailed several times without reply and it is becoming a bit frustrating.
I don't know if the complex will now be closed but surely that should not stop them having some courtesy of a reply.
I'm sure if I put a reservation request through it woud be answered quick enough!!!
I was not prepared to call the Hotel by telephone due to non-english (or badly) speaking receptionists.
had a price from them over a year ago and they replied very quickly so maybe they have changed their e mail address and not altered the website.

am booked to go to Sun city 21/8 for 2 weeks just wondering how big the rooms are? just we went to florida last and had a big 3 bed apartment for 5 will be 4 of us this year!!
hi i justed booked this hotel for next year , there are a few experts on this site who know this hotel.
is that the club sun city in olu deniz ?

if you havnt been to turkey before , they tend to use a bottom sheet and then just a cotton throw to cover you which is never big enough. If you like sheets as well like we do just ask and they will give you anything you need . sames goes for extra pillows. just ask and it will be delivered.

We were in room 103 very dark and dull quite ackward up and down steps with buggy's
We did enjoy it but it wasnt like anything ive read on here about it.
No petal 's on the beds maid's did do a good job
They was no entertaintment on at all the first few days we were there untill i complained
Maybe cause it was start off season but still it should off been sorted out before guests arrived
Food was good Weather was hot but bitter cold on a night
We asked for blankets in the room it was that cold
Love to go back here high season when everything is up and running
But never beginging season again
Our kiddies were bored all week day in day out all they done was play on 2 swing's
Has they wasnt anything else to entertain them
We paid a lot off money for 6 of us for a week thats the only reason im annoyed
But we did enjoy it the only reason we picked this hotel was reading how good it is for kiddies etc
We normally go to Marmaris/Icmeler
Mind you in Sept we are going to Kussadasi and im a bit wary now as we picked the Tuscan Beach hotel there going by reviews on here

We its trail and error and we dont mind trying it

Sun Club City is lovely and will go back in future but high season or if it is very very cheap on internet.
The grounds in hotel are lovely spotlessly clean they are some eautifull fish in the pond
The new pool which is there is for adults only which is quite a nice change never been to a hotel that as a adult only pool before.
On our 2nd day there we went in this pool with the kiddies but we didnt know that it was adult only due to there been no signs up stating adult only
We were told off

It wasnt till the day off our depture that the workmen started to put the sign up stating adult pool no kiddies
Basically our rep didnt have a clue
Before we flew i asked questions on here what days are markets etc etc so i wouldnt miss them

Now on arrival on the Monday rep said welcome meeting Tuesday 2pm i thought great we will attend as you do
And i dont know why i asked but i did i asked her what days are the markets on?
Her reply was i will explain everything tomorrow (tues)
Now if i hadnt asked any one on here about markets etc etc i would off missed out on them well i did the monday one has we arrived late afternoon and it had finished but i did go Tuesday one and got my goodies clothes for teenaged daughter etc etc
So thanks all you holiday truth people who gave me advice on market days if it wasnt for you lot i would off missed them
On return from market i went to welcome meeting rep asked me did i want to go to market i explained i had already been and she said oh didnt realise it was on today (tuesday)
She didnt have clue bless her
So thanks again for all advice

how different us english are to the turks. they are soooooooooooo laid back. not sures who,s got it right tho

Did your kiddies not like the pool? or was it too cold for them then?
We were there end May and everything was up and running although i did get the feeling come July it would be pushed up a gear.


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