I'm very interested in going to Syria at some point and just wondered if anyone has done this and who they travelled with. I'm trying to price up a DIY package but have nothing to compare the price with as I can't seem to find a T/O offering packages.
I've yet to convince the wife to go so it may be a single holiday for me.
Can anyone help?
Syria is on my list too and there are various T/Os who do Syria including balesworldwide.com and responsibletravel.com. Some tours are combined with other countries like Jordan, lebanon.
what attracts you to Syria you two? I have never considered it before so I would be interested in your replies.
Egyptians, Babylonians, Persians, Hittites, Greeks, Romans, Arabs and Turks all passed this way. and that sounds like a good recommendation to me. Krak de Chevaliers is one of the best preserved Crusader Castles, all that desert, Damascus (souks, carpets, mosques) and Aleppo and the caravanserai of Queen Xenophia at Palmrya. Need I go on...
I've just found http://www.syriatourism.org. Other companies that feature Syria are Explore and Guerba Tours.
Regards Dorra (Queen of the Desert!)
anything else!!

Seriously, thanks, I've never thought about going before so no research whatsoever!
My sister is there at the moment on a tour with Jules Vernes, 'doing' the historical sights. She has texted to say it's great, although the bomb in Jordan today is a worry.

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