Hi all,
It's a while since I last posted on this very useful site. Although we have been visitors to Spain, on many occasions, Almeria is a place we have never yet set foot in. Late last night I saw a Sky property show which featured Almeria and as I had promised my wife we would have a week away before xmas I have booked our hotel (Best Oasis Tropical F.B.) and flights independently on the net in the resort of Mojaca. It looked a nice area of Spain and will make a change from Benidorm and Fuengirola etc.
The only booking I have'nt yet arranged is our transport from Almeria to Mojacar. Resorthoppa are updating their prices and have asked me to e- mail them for a quote. They have'nt replied yet but they are very good normally so I expect to hear from them soon.
Does anybody have an idea of alternative means of getting to the resort?
Taxi fares, or local bus service - just in case Resorthoppa have a problem.
Thanks for your time.
As regards transport to the hotel, it is about a 35 mile journey, so a taxi may work out rather expensive. We found car hire rather cheap when we were there, so maybe this maybe an option for you.
Have a wonderful holiday.

Your hotel is actually much nearer to the Spanish town of Garrucha and if a hire car is not an option then buses do go to both Garrucha and Mojacar Village and the beach town of Mojacar Playa.They do not run very late at night.
I think an official taxi would be about 100€ each way and unofficial ones if you can find one 70€ (The latter have gone into hiding since a crack down by police this year)
There is another option as follows although it often works out dearer than a taxi.
Another option is to book your flights with http:/www.tarletontravel.com who offer a very reasonable coach fare but you will usually pay more for your flights and one may make up for the other.
Good luck,John.
Hi Mr Magoo,Mojacar is great but I think you might need a car too as your hotel although a nice four star is well away from everything except some other hotels and the beach.Car hire is much cheaper from the airport than in resort and I would suggest Your hotel is actually much nearer to the Spanish town of Garrucha and if a hire car is not an option then buses do go to both Garrucha and Mojacar Village and the beach town of Mojacar Playa.They do not run very late at night.
I think an official taxi would be about 100€ each way and unofficial ones if you can find one 70€ (The latter have gone into hiding since a crack down by police this year)
There is another option as follows although it often works out dearer than a taxi.
Another option is to book your flights with http:/www.tarletontravel.com who offer a very reasonable coach fare but you will usually pay more for your flights and one may make up for the other.
Good luck,John.
Am I glad I decided to ask for advice from members of this board.
I received a reply from Resorthoppa who have offered us return via taxi at a cost of 2 cents short of 290 euros. I am not criticising them as a company because we have used their service from Alicante to Benidorm and will be using them again in February next year. They are on the ball but I can't understand how a 70 mile round trip which does'nt of course take into account the mileage incurred by the driver, amount to over £200.
I thought the cost of fuel in Spain was relatively cheap compared to rip off Britain. I don't want to malign the company as their charges in Alicante are very reasonable but their quote on this occasion did leave me gobsmacked. Both our return flights from the UK cost me £40 less than that. So enough said on that subject.
I have taken your advice John, and have received a quote from Carjet for £65 for a Ford Ka for the week. Now that sounded a lot better. I am
just waiting for them to come back to me.
I have to ask you one more question and that is are there toll roads in between the airport and Mojacar and is it quite a straightforward drive?
We will be up half the night as they are early morning flights so I just want to be clued up before we arrive.
Finally, I must say everyone is very complimentary about the resort so I keep my fingers crossed that the weather is kind to us. We shall probably look you up whilst we are there.
Regards and thanks again, Tony.

I have to ask you one more question and that is are there toll roads in between the airport and Mojacar and is it quite a straightforward drive?
Hi Tony,its a pleasure to help.
There are no toll roads to worry about.Leave the airport and follow directions for the A7/E15 motorway and take the Murcia direction.(Not the A road route but the blue sign for the motorway) Come off the 525 exit and head for Garrucha.As you come to the town you will see a go cart track to your left,go past and up the hill.Turn right and down the hill into the town of Garrucha and take the first exit right at the small roundabout.You will immediately come to another roundabout (New),take the first exit again which is straight ahead.The sea is now on your left.Your hotel is about 1km on your right hand side,best wishes,John.
The world, no matter where we venture, is full of jobsworths and I'd hate to be knocked back for such a simple thing.
I guess if the Spanish take the same view as our owner people might, then I will end up paying through the nose for a cab, unless of course there is a public transport system from the airport to the resort.
I shall let you know what happened when we look you up.
Thanks again and what a great site this is.
Regards, Tony.
I cant imagine the post code would cause a problem (Fingers crossed) but there is no public transport service Im sorry to say,John.
Fingers crossed indeed. I'm sure we shall manage.
I was looking through some images of Mojacar along with historical material for the area.
Were'nt we surpised to learn that Mojacar is the birthplace of one of Americas' greatest innovators and the man who gave the world Mickey Mouse, none other than WALT DISNEY. How incredible is that?
He was born in 1901, to a lady who is described as a loose woman, at a farm in Mojacar. She took her son to America and he was adopted by a family called Disney. The rest is history.
Regards, Tony.
I have been doing a little research on the web and the story of Walt Disney's birthplace being Mojaca is highly controversial, but I did find this interesting article, if rather a long read, worth taking a look at.
Not much chance of anyone ever finding an early picture of Mickey Mouse's image being found carved on an old door, local rock, or tree- having been put there by his creator. For Walt, if he was ever there, was only an infant in Mojacar for a short while, before he was quickly taken by his mother to the USA.
It's a nice story, but quite a tall one.

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