The digital thermometer in Naama showed a midnight temp of 33 degrees. The wind is warm and dry. Its really tiring and hard going. Not recommended unless you have experienced it before. Air con doesn't help, you just sweat when you come out into the heat.
Everything..... has to be done slowly..... personally i am wary of open air buffets in these temperatures.......
I've been to Lanzarote several times, twice in August, Sharm last August was MUCH hotter than Lanzarote, no comparison
I was in sharm end of july/beginning of august and it was very very hot, we always went inside or under shade in the middle of the day as sometimes it was unbearable....and this is coming from a complete sun worshipper! it gives you the history of the weather for lall around the world over the last few years. You can select any date and look at the weather for that day
have a look on this wensite
thanks ive tried that but it doesnt do sharm
Cyprus is a lot cooler than Egypt, Cyprus near the beach often hits the 90s, but with a wind. The Egyptian heat is very hot and a lot of people faint due to lack of water. We have been to Cairo in August and it has been that hot that my shoes melted. A lot of the shops in Sharm will close mid afternoon until the heat dies down. The sea temps will be very warm, and the sand will melt your flip flops. I suggest if you have already booked to go in August that you stay in the shade, dont drink ice cold drinks as this will cause tummy upsets. Keep covered. In Cyprus you can walk around with shorts and t.shirts, Sharm at that time of year, you will need covering up else you will burn to shreds. Sun-cream in excess of 35 you will require as well, anything less, and sun stroke may be upon you. We went last year to Sharm in May/June, i adore the heat, but those temps especially eating out at night were very warm, 79f at midnight. If it doesnt come up just type sharm el sheihk into the search thingy at the top and it'll come up with it, then scroll down the sharm page and on the left you will see a history section....just choose the date you want to see
Hi, it does do sharm, just been on their. The direct link to the sharm part is
thanks for your reply but is says no daily or hourly history data available
How strange. Its working for me. Might be worth trying from someone elses computer. Sorry about that!
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