Christmas decorations boxed up and put in the loft for another year.
New year resolutions made and already broken.
So now is the time to think of holidays for this year.
The country is easy ,it will be Turkey again,but which resort to choose.
Olu with its stunning scenery and beautifull beaches.
Fethiye with its bustling harbour life and ancient rock tombs.
Akyaka with its lovely beach and sea with a mountain backdrop whos little town feels like Turkey.
Turunc with its low key nightlife and has an air of tranquility.
Bodrum,with its castle and cosmopolitan atmosphere is the order of the day.
Side with its colonaded streets and ampitheatre where ancient ruins can be found at every corner.
Marmaris or Icmeler that have more of that in your face entertainment but still a lovely area.
Why cant we have more holidays each year ?and why not make it compulsory to visit every resort because each one has something special to offer its guests.
Whatever I decide I know the Turkish and Kurdish hospitality will be of the highest standard.
Food will be scrumpcious and Efes will be the nectar from the gods.
I have missed out lots of favourite places where people feel at home while on holiday I hope everyone isnt having my dillema.
Where oh Where
Edited by
2006-01-16 11:43:03
We to love turkey so much and like you could not decide which resort so we have decided to go to icmelar for the first week & Hisaronu the second only 23 weeks to go cant wait
hi..there are many many more resorts in Turkey than the ones you mentioned. Take a more comprehensive look
Aww Gene, every year hubby and me say the same thing...lets try a differant Turkish resort this year, but its no good we always end up back in Lovely Icmeler. Its not just the place itself we would miss, its all the fantastic friends we have made there too...It just feels right, like going home.
hi gene read your post and i understand the dilemma every year we get the holiday brochures and every year we look for something new and every year its turkey and for the third timr its going to be kusadassi if uv never been try it fantastic destination with something for everybody. so we have booked up and rareing to go (31st august) not long now, they coulnt stop us with bombs last year and no scabby poultry is stopping us this year counting the days already but that big silver bird will soon be in yhe sky and il be on it. im ready to break out the EFES have a good holiday and enjoy gods little country
Wherever you choose you know you will have made the right decision because it's Turkey. (Can't wait now to hear where you choose ! )

You have a way with words like no one else. I love to read your "lyrical waxings" wherever they may be about
What about visiting some lesser known areas? Capaddocia, little coastal resorts such as Foca, Datca, Bozburun peninlula or Cirili. What about a lakeside setting for a change such as Koycegiz or if you're feeling really adventurous go further north to Istanbul for a cultural treat.
Wherever you decide I know that we can rely on you to provide a wonderful report that will transport us there. You should really consider taking up travel writing (unless of course you already do!)
My problem is Mrs Gene she wont visit any other resort but Icmeler and would never even consider another country.

But there is and will be "A Next Time"
I would definitely prefer Bodrum. You find all you mentioned here.
We are experimenting this year, trying two places we've not been to in Turkey before, Kalkan and Kusadasi. Our first love is Icmeler but because we are checking out property to buy, then we've got to exercise all options and check out different places. We've done Hisaronu, that was lovely have also been to Gumbet, it was great for the Historical aspect but would not, by choice, return here. It just isn't our bag so to speak.
As you are aware, from another site, i am an icmeler fan also.
I cant imagine a year without going at least once but to make up for the amount of time i spend there i am of to Tunisia next week and dont feel guilt about going as its out of season for icmeler and i couldnt go anyway.
Wouldnt dream of travelling elsewhere in season though.
Dont think Little Michael Jackson will be able to perform the same in Tunisia though so i'm just having to leave him at home so he isn't disappointed

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