Please can anyone help???
I am looking at going back to Goa next New Year and I have found 2 deals for Candolim, one is for the Silver Sands Holiday Vilage and the other for the Highlaand Beach Resort.
I have read the reviews on here and I am still unsure which to go for, I would love it if someone who knows of both hotels could give thier honest opinion of which to go for, a lot of you on this site seem to know Candolim v.well and perhaps you cuold help, we are just looking for a clean base to be honest as we have just returned from Baga and we didn't use the hotel a great deal, thanks in advance for any replies, shirleyV
IMHO HB better hotel - SS better location. Your question depends on price ~ I take it HB is more expensive?
thanks for your response - yes HB more expensive - but not greatly so.
In that case I personally would go for the HB.
Thanks for your response, anyone else got any opinions please?
I would agree that HB would be my favoured choice, there is some building work going on there at present but shoud not be a problem if you are going New Year 06.
We are regular users of the Highland Beach - Silver Sands is closer to the beach but friends of ours told us (in their opinion) that SS was a bit more basic than the Highland.
I don't think you need worry about the location of either since the distances aren't great and you can easily get taxis anywhere you want.
I would say go for the Highland Beach. But then I wouldn't say no to a fortnight at the Silver Sands. Have you considered the Nizmar? It seems to have a very loyal following! (just to make it harder!).

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