I am going round and round in circles trying to think of a solution to my problem and I just can't find one at the moment.
I would really like to take my children abroad this year, just so there is a bit of sunshine guaranteed. My problem is that I am very very nervous of flying and I have never driven abroad. How can I take my kids somewhere hot without causing myself major stress? I don't like the idea of just bundling into a taxi, my children are all still quite young and require car seats. Can you arrange for taxis with car seats? Is there a holiday company that can sort all this sort of thing out for me?
Sorry for all the questions but I'm driving myself mad here. TIA.
If you book through a travel agent then you will be offered transfers by coach and you proberly will not be offered car seats, but what i do is book a transfer from the airport with a company called Resort Hoppa, you can either have a shared coach or private taxi and you can request car seats, they have been very reliable. You can book over the phone as they are English, or on the net, and they are cheaper then getting a taxi.
Hope this of some help, if you need any more info just ask

Hib there I think the Eurostar goes to Avignon in France in the summer, which should be hot and sunny, so you could go by train .....I can't help you any further on accommodation etc, but have a look at their website, their hotels are quite good value (we went to Paris last year and their prices were competititve)
An alternative solution to your problem. Have you read Alan Carr's book on beating your fear of flying? My mum was petrified of flying but desperate to go to New York. I was dreading the flight thinking she was going to be a nightmare on it, but she read this book a few weeks before we left and she actually enjoyed the flight!

thing is, you don't want your fear to rub off on your children, and the last thing you'll need will be the little ones screaming all the way there and back, so take plenty of toys for them, or go to the pound shop and get some supprises to keep them amused.
As for you, I've heard that book is good, I take 2 kalms daily 5 days before the flight, and a little thing of batch rescue remedy. Amazingly calming, they've got me through every stressful situation going.
Another tip is to get some calming music on a cd and take a portable cd player.
Your kids won't be this age for long, you really want to cherish it
I appreciate that Angie may be looking for suggestions for holidays using alternative modes of transport, but as discussion has developed into one about the fear of flying, we do have a previous topic which may provide some useful advice -
try calling ferris holidays as they do seem to try and help customers.
that way you have no flying, no driving but downside is long coach journey.
plenty people take young children on these trips.
Or you could investigate Eurocamp/keycamp or similar travelling via coach (most people take there own cars via the channel tunnel) There are sites that suit all kinds of families and the ones in the northern provinces like Brittany and the Vendee are easier to get to with kids.
Another possibility is the Dutch and Belgian Center Parcs. They are just as good as the ones here and much cheaper. Not sure if they are still around but there was a company in Holland called Gran Dorado that had a few holiday villages similar to Center Parcs but cheaper.
Travel agents in the UK will probably have brochures for the Dutch and Belgian Holiday parcs so you will be able to check if they do coach transfers. Good Luck.

I hate driving and my husband is quite nervous of unknown routes.
The first time we went we went from Dover to Calais and had a long drive in France. The time after we went from Poole to St Malo with only a short drive on the other side.
We foung using the toll motorways really easy (they weren't very busy)
We used a route map from the internet and didn't get lost at all.
There are some lovely campsites over there with plenty to do for the kids and the area is beautiful.
Good Luck whatever you choose to do.
Ps: Last year I flew for the first time(I had always been nervous to try it)
I loved it and can't wait fir this year.

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