Need'nt have worried about the flight, it was on time, friendly staff, clean plane, OK snacks, and extra legroom seats on front row made it an enjoyable flight. The only slight problem was the Pilot having to abort our landing very late, due to a stray plane on the runway!! We circled back round and landed successfully second attempt, still on time. Once we had collected our bags, we were met by a chap from Shuttledirect. Never used them before but I was impressed. We were taken straight to the car..a spotlessly clean people carrier, along with two other couples and were at our Hotel, The Regente in 45 mins. On arriving at The Regente, we had'nt even put our bags down before Manuel on reception shouted out my name, said how good it was to see me again, complained about us only staying for 4 nights, asked me if I live in Spain, and confirmed that he had reserved us a Low floor room as I had requested! Chimney very far!.
Having dropped our bags off we headed towards the beachfront, via the Triangle Bar...Chimney needed her Drugs of choice from the machine there!..Well it was Sunday so the serious fag buying will need to wait till the morning!. We had a walk along the front towards the old town, lovely day, had shorts on, and noticed how much different the beach looks in Winter with no sun loungers around. We were now hungry so called in at La Cervecerria for Tapas. Not been here before and looked a bit modern for my liking, but once inside noticed it was full of Spanish families having lunch, always a good sign, and even a smoking area for Chimney! We had Chiperones, Gambas Al Ajillo, Mejillones en Vinegareta & Patatas Bravas...Delicious. We walked off our Lunch in the Oldtown afterwards, and noticed how quite it was compared to Summer. We headed back to Hotel but not before calling in at Sanji's favourite Cafe...Vina Del Mar on Av De Medditerraneo for Coffee & Brandy!.
We had arranged to meet Wynn and her partner Mike in The Wheeltappers that evening, and were looking forward to that. We decided just to pop into Tony Romas first and had Hot Wings and Ribs, not quite as good as usual and very quiet, only about 8 people in there. We called in at Star & Garter and saw a couple of acts there..Abbaesque and a singer comedian not sure but I think was Ricky Dale. We then went to Wheeltappers and met up with Wynn & Mike, had a good night and saw Rikki Stevens who came over for a chat after his performance and seems a really nice chap. Also a male duo called Smartmove, who are the best duo I have heard in Beni, they were doing some Cruises after Wheeltappers so not sure if or when they will be back, but if they do...go and see them..brilliant. Then Albi Senior came on who I quite like, but is not to Chimneys taste so we left and went to Yorkshire Pride to listen to Robbie Elliot and the Tad Cocker band. Always have a good laugh with Robbie who is a Everton fan (I'm Blackburn), so I always get some stick. Was going to meet up with Wynn and Mike again but stupid me lost their Ruddy phone number, and I forgot where they were staying, so apologies for that Wynn, you must have thought we had got bumped off!.
Monday morning slightly Hazy...err thats our heads not the weather! We had a late morning breakie at The Stretford End, picked up a copy of Whats Going On, then headed to Chimneys Valhala..The Tabanco! Had a walk to Oldtown again and into Iglesia de San Jaime, lovely inside, Chimney enjoyed it, apart from when we went to light a candle and found they were Electric! Health and Safety Spanish style I suppose. We then went through Dove Park and onto Poniente. Chimney is convinced they are Pidgeons not Doves because of their Tails.. not sure about that...any Twitchers out there?. We called in at a Cafe on Plaza Triangular, Chimney scoffed a Waffle, me had Churros con Chocolate. We called in to see Eric at the Bar Chicago on Calle Lepanto on our way back to Regente. What a nice bloke he is, I'd not been in here before, but if anyone fancies a bet or a game of Snooker whilst in Beni, here is the place for you!. I was having a natter to Eric whilst chimney checked her email, when I found out Lady working for him used to live 3 streets away from me...small world!. We then had a classic Chimney moment...On becoming aware that you could watch Live Racing here she said, Can we not see who wins, then phone home and put a bet on because England is 1 hour behind!...I kid you not!...I nearly wet myself..but she made me promise to spare her blushes and not tell Eric...I did'nt but I've saved it for you lot!!

This evening we eat out at El Meson on Calle Gerona had a really nice meal of Pate, Prawns, Lamb Chops and segovian Style Baby Lamb, washed down with a nice bottle of Villa Magno Gran Reserva 1997...superb!. We next went to Carriages to see the brilliant Chrissy Rock, who as most people will know has been "doing" Beni for years, she is still a good act though. Chimney really liked her and indeed the old fashioned ambiance of Carriages with the lights on each table, a really good setting for cabaret. Meatloaf tribute next which was'nt our thing so we went to Morgans Tavern to see an even bigger "Beni Legend" Eric Delaney. I believe he is 84 now, but he is still amazing on drums. Chimney is a Musician herself and could'nt believe how good he was! Back to Hotel, and got some water from machine in reception...Chimney was surprised that the San Miguel in there was cheaper then water so she got some of that too!!.
Had Breakkie at John and Josephs Tuesday morning. Again a place I've never tried, usually have it in Hotel. But it was OK, nothing special, Cheap and Cheerfull, but certainly reasonable enough quality. You cant really argue with a breakfast or a cheese omelette for 70 pence can you!!. Had another stroll along the front enjoying a couple of Coffees, and some lovely weather!. This was to be the day we took the Train to Altea, however someone was a touch delicate (I'll leave you to guess who!). We wanted to get some Spanish Earthernware dishes, so went again to Oldtown and found a small hardware store in the backstreets which had them. By then we were peckish again so went down to Tapas alley. Again it was quieter than usual, and one of my favs..Esso Barri was closed, also La Marisquerria too. We went to La Cava de la Aragonessa and had some more Mejillones, some Pulpitos con Padron, Boquerones en Vinagre and Tortilla Espanol. This was as always buzzing with life..I love it!. Headed back as was getting cold...silly me had braved it in t-shirt and shorts...I'm sure I heard the words "Poco Loco" more than once, or perhaps thats just how I felt. Chimney more sensible with her cardi!.
This evening we ate out at my favourite Italian in Beni...I Fratelli on Av Del Dr Orts Llorca. This is owned and run by a Flamboyant Italian called Salvatore. Its rather upmarket compared to most Italians in Beni, but is well worth it for a special meal. We had Fresh Foie Gras, Lobster Soup, and some lovely Sea Bass, followed by Raspberry Sorbet. With a nice chilled Frascati, coffee and brandy it was a lovely meal. Chimney fancied a singalong then so we went to the Why not 2 Karaoke Bar, which was packed and entertained the masses with a couple of songs...well Chimney entertained them..I started to empty the taste some folk!!. So we went back to Yorkshire Pride, we met our Pal called Wammy, who comes from same town as us. He goes to Beni every Jan and Feb. He is a Singer/Guitarist who plays at Yorkshire Pride some nights, and during the day sometimes at Heartbreak Hotel on the beachfront. He was there with his wife and we had a really good time with them.
Wednesday and we decided that today we would eat our meals in the Hotel. I've nver eaten there before apart from Breakfast so thought it would be good to give it a try, seeing that we were actually on Full Board at the grand cost of £13.50 per night each!! Crazy aint it! We also had a look to the Market today. Not quite as busy as last time I went, but seeing its Chimneys first visit, worth a look. We both agreed after about 45mins we had seen enough, its very repetitive with many stalls selling the same products. We decided to have a cuppa at the cafe in the centre of the market, and we got the added benefit of the attentions of what must be the uglyiest dog in Benidorm, with its bottom teeth sticking up over its upper jaw. Most people gave it a wide berth but it had found a friend in Chimney, and refussed to be parted from her. We went back to Regente for lunch. I was quite surprised how good it was actually, choice of two different meats, fish, pasta, salads, 3 types of potato, soups and a selection of deserts. They even had a very good paella which i had, it was lovely. We then paid a further and final visit to The Tabanco for Chimneys Serious shopping expedition. I got myself a couple of bottles of Magno Brandy too!. We then had our packing to do...never my favorite holiday experience.
For our final night we had dinner also at Regente. Again was a very nice array of food. There was Hake, Pork Chops, Sardines, Pizza, Pasta, Chicken, different potatoes etc etc. Lots for kids too and deserts included Profiteroles, jellies, ice creams, cakes and fruit salad. I have been quite impressed with the food here. No its probably not as good as you would get in a 4star hotel, but The Regente is only 2star, and I could not find a single complaint with the quality, quantity or variety of food available, for the low price we paid. Well Chimney could actually...she prefers tinned tomatoes for breakfast rather than fresh ones, she is Barking Though!!

Thursday morn and after a nice Breakie we are now ready to leave. We check out and say our goodbyes to Roberto on reception. The taxidriver from shuttledirect turns up 30mins early, but we are ready and waiting for him. Again a lovely clean people carrier and just one other couple to pick up then we're off. Checked in at airport ok, airport the quietest i've ever seen. Chimney hunts out the smoking area...near to gates 9 and 10, and we are away on time again. Pleasant flight back, usual delay for baggage at Manchester, then on our way home for some good old English food...well a Chinese Takeaway actually!!. We both agreed that we had a great time in Benidorm, Chimney says it was pretty much as she expected, and definately unbeatable for entertainment. She did'nt think it was the most picturesque resort, but she knows there are plenty of places a short journey away which are. She says she will certainly be coming back to Beni, but prefers short visits and would probably like to go 2 or 3 times a year! So yes, I think we have another Beni convert here...even if it is partly so She can get her Fags!!...As for me...well as you know I'm hooked already...however this is the first time I have done a fully DIY break and will most certainly be doing so again. The ease of booking all aspects was a surprise. The service we got from The Regente (Thomsons Accomodation only website), BMIbaby, Shuttledirect was first rate, and based on this experience I would wholeheartedly reccommend them all. Well I suppose I'd better finish have all probably lost the will to live by now!!

Edited by
2008-07-20 10:06:01