I agree I also take a 6ft telescopic, bought it there in May, about 12 euros, I take my own reel, and tackle. Usually a pack of 18s and 20s hooks to about 2lb line, the old barbed ones, and a couple of small canal floats, always take a disgorger, they can really swallow these sea fish. I generally get about 15 to 20 fish an hour, I agree you do sometimes have to watch for sharp gills, and fins, though they are generally very similar to our perch.
don't know where you've been fishing but believe me you don't need any kind of licence to fish in the sea, or harbour, just watch the locals, you will find lots of them in the afternoon trying to catch their tea! Remember, most of these holiday destinations in Mallorca were once fishing villages, they regard the sea as an open season, all year round. You may need to acquire a day ticket if you wish to fish freshwater streams rivers or lakes inland, very similar to our own fisheries, but not the sea