Aqua shoes are like a brand of shoes. If you type it into any search engine it will give you the website. The company that makes them do fashion type shoes for the beach and pool area, but also do 'proper' sea shoes that will protect you feet in the sea. Hope this is helpful
Now i know what you mean . I have a pair already but it looks like we will all need them - so 4 more pairs to buy - but im "shopped out" at the mo and just cant face it again . so I think im gonna wait till we get there and make them an essential first buy .
I just got some for the family and bought them online. They came through the post and for all 4 pairs and including delivery it was £26, which I thought was OK considering I didn't have to move my butt! We go in two weeks too - never been and VERY excited!
where did you get them mandibee - if i can get them cheap enough here on the internet i will get them now . does anyone know roughly how much they are in sharm.?
Here's the link for the ebay shop I used. Not sure if I'm allowed to post links like this but I guess someone will let me know if I shouldn't! Can't see why not...
That's why I liked these - they are SO light AND they have a toggle tightening system round the instep to make sure they are snug on small feet, but easy to get on, and also have a nice mesh side to let the water out. there's nothing worse than squelching around in full rubber shoes - done that!
Aqua shoes are readily available 'in resort' so don't panic if you don't manage to buy any before you go. It gives a good opportuity to sample the 'shopping experience' - its easier to shop for something specific rather than just looking at souvenirs in general.
Hi all i wonder if any of you experienced at buying these shoes can help me, i just went on the ebay site and found the four pairs i wanted for £26 incl postage but at no point was i asked the colour or size i wanted, i chickened out before payment, should i have continued on with the payment would i have been asked these questions at that point i wanted to check first thanks all Louise 18 weeks to go to Taba