According to a National paper of Spain, the Canary Islands are in a serious situation with the number of immigrants who have or who are bound for these Islands and have asked the Government in Madrid for help.
More than 700 immigrants have poured into the Islands in the last 4 days with thousands waiting in Mauritania for the boat journey.
What does this mean for the tourists.?
IMO; it means more crime"¦these people come with nothing and have nothing to lose, therefore to survive they have to rob and steal and that usually means off the tourists like me and you.
Just be careful folks.
sanji xxx
What the paper doesnt tell you is that the vast majority of these attempts are detected and intercepted BEFORE they land and that under current arrangements they are then deemed illegals and are taken into custody for repatriation to Africa or after a given time can be sent onto the mainland to be processed so relatively few remain at large on the islands.
Only the very small numbers who land undetected are able to escape and avoid deportation and of these most attempt to land islands other than on Tenerife.
At the suggested figures of almost 200 arrivals per day the place would soon be crawling with African immigrants and on recent visits I can state this is clearly not the case.
There has been an unusal rush of attempts recently it is true, most ending in tragic circumstances sadly, but this is due to the Spanish goverment reaching an agreeement with the African states to accept immediate repatriation of those caught attempting to land and these people are desperate to attempt their jouney before this comes into force later this Spring I believe.
There has been an unusal rush of attempts recently it is true, most ending in tragic circumstances sadly, but this is due to the Spanish goverment reaching an agreeement with the African states
There has since last Friday been 900 migrants that have been caught trying to get to the Canary Islands.
The Spanish themselves ADMIT that they have been caught out because of the shift in the route, this is because of the clampdown by Spain on the Moroccan route with violent clashes last year at Spains borders in Cueta and Melilla.
There are those who have made it before the problem came to light and are now amongst the Canarians

Not all will stay in the Canaries...some will just use them as a jumping point to move further into Europe, but they will have resort to crime, even if they were not criminals survive whilst they are there. and HERE
Never mind, it just means more hair braiders

besos xxx
The vast majority of police arrests for bag snatches and apartment break-ins reported in the Tenerife papers tend to to report the culprits as being of either Eastern European or Morrocan origin. I understand what you say about Africans arriving with absolutely nothing but that doesnt always mean that petty crime will be their means of support. It is most unusual to see sub Saharans in the paper for stealing etc.
They will also have to live here in apartments houses feed themselves and live out of sight on quite in small area say in comparrison to the mainland of Spain or the UK while trying to survive with no legal papers The police have recently been rounding up the guys who sell the watches and have been checking them for their papers which all of them have anyway.I presume that is to check for illegals here.The police recently were quick to round up a boat load of Africans who arrived in Las Americas last month.
I would just like to add that when you realise that a boat load of desperate people only looking for a better life has just landed 10 minutes from your front door it makes you thank God,Allah,Jehovah or the higher power for what you have.
JAN 22
36 immigrants arrive in El Medano using sophisticated GPS technology for the first time. Medical services, police officers, fire crews and Red Cross workers attend.
Some show signs of hypothermia and one shows signs of malaria.
All the immigrants on board come from Guinea Bissau and are detained at Las Americas police station.
JAN 24
One 16m boat comes ashore in La Gomera carrying 49 sub-Saharan illegal immigrants from Africa.
JAN 26
33 illegal immigrants come ashore in Las Galletas. All passengers are male and from Guinea Bissau. They are met by medical teams, Guardia Civil and National police officers as well as Red Cross workers.
JAN 28
A patera hits land near Amarilla Golf carrying 26 sub-Saharans. They are intercepted by police and medical workers.
44 more illegal immigrants arrive in Las Galletas. Again a GPS system is found on board, the second recorded landing using such equipment.
All are given a good bill of health by medics and are transferred to Las Americas police station
FEB 12
A patera with 44 illegal immigrants on board, all men of sub-Saharan origin, lands on the beach at Los Abrigos.
The 15m boat is towed in by a lifeboat and all on board calmly wait for the Guardia Civil to arrive.
The illegals spend the night at Las Americas police station. Children are taken to a separate centre. The nationality of the men is mixed.
FEB 13
45 sub-Saharan immigrants are sighted and intercepted 12 miles to the south of Palm Mar, Tenerife. One woman is on board. The 18m craft is towed by Guardia Civil to Los Cristianos port.
FEB 15
31 sub-saharan disembark in Los Abrigos. Four are transferred to a hospital suffering from hypothermia and exhaustion. Two on board are aged under 18.
None have identity papers but are believed to be from Gambia, Mali and Guinea Bissau.
They have been in the 12m fibreglass boat for six days. Only a compass and the outboard motor are recovered from the craft.
FEB 16
55 sub-saharans arrive on the Costa del Silencio near Amarilla Golf in a 15m boat with a primitive rudder system and awning. All lack ID papers but are believed to be from Senegal.
Several show symptoms of dehydration, hypothermia and exhaustion. Some are too exhausted to accept hot tea or water from Red Cross workers. All but two are transferred to Santa Cruz for medical attention.
Guardia Civil, Local and National police attend. New southern police commissioner Luis Guillermo Carrion is also present.
FEB 22
National police intercept and prevent 26 sub-Saharan immigrants from breaking out from the beach at Los Cristianos. Medics find all to be in good condition.
It is the sixth patera to arrive in south Tenerife inside a week. Together they have brought 220 immigrants. A portable GPS navigator and compass are recovered.
FEB 27
162 illegal immigrants are intercepted in Canary waters. Three boats are closing in on Tenerife and two more on Gran Canaria.
An 18m craft close to Las Galletas has two motors mounted and has two barrels containing 50 litres of water. Only two of the 47 male passengers are transferred to hospital, one with hypothermia and the other with abdominal pain.
A 12m boat then comes ashore in Amarilla Golf carrying 33 illegal immigrants, including one under 18. Again it has two motors, barrels of water and a compass.
Civil troops and the emergency ambulance services are on hand to process them.
The third small 15m boat contains 22 immigrants, having left Mauritania five days before. It beaches at La Mareta close to El Meldano.
528 have now arrived since the beginning of 2006.
FEB 28
39 male immigrants arrive in El Medano in the 17th patera of 2006. Four are under 18 years old.
The white fibreglass 15m boat from Mali is met with blankets, juices, water and hot tea.
A small boat arrives in Los Cristianos with 35 immigrants on board. Six are suffering from hypothermia, diarrhoea and sunburn. Three are taken immediately to hospital.
The immigrants, all male, are processed in Las Americas and taken to a detention centre in Hoya Fria.
Three pateras arrive on the coast of Arona with more than 100 sub-Saharans on board. Jails on the Costa Adeje are now "saturated" with immigrants, the last 24 are transferred to jails in the north.
The first boat arrives in Las Galletas at 5:30am with 39 on board, the second is towed into Los Cristianos port at 11am with 47 Africans on board.
The third boat runs out of fuel close to the south coast. It is also towed to Los Cristianos, carrying 24 Africans.
Many from this day of feverish activity are taken to hospital. They bring the number of sub-Saharans to arrive here since the start of the year to 811 in 21 boats.
86 illegal immigrants are brought ashore by Guardia Civil officers. One youth becomes the first to die in Tenerife waters attempting to get to the island. He is the 897th processed this year.
A boat containing 41 Africans is met at San Blas beach while a second is found drifting off the island's southern most point and is brought ashore in Los Cristianos.
Above is the official log of landings. All the persons intercepted which is the vast majority of those who attempt the hazardous venture, are given medical aid and then detained, mostly in Santa Cruz, and are then either deported back to their original departure point or sent on for processing and return from the Spanish mainland.
Very very few land undetected and avoid internement and the impression that Tenerife or any of the Canaries is awash with Sub Sharan illegal immigrants running around causing chaos and mayhem is utterly false and to suggest there is anything other than the usual petty crime that takes place in ALL holiday destinations and resorts the world over might be considered as mischevious at best and it is certainly far from the actual impression I have having visited Los Cristianos 3 times since January this year and I am about to go again next week for a four day trip.
From what I have read, the foreigners arrive in very primitive boats & are unlikely to avoid detection anyway.
Certainly nothing to worry about.
At least the authorities are taking action, unlike at home.

I would just like to add that when you realise that a boat load of desperate people only looking for a better life has just landed 10 minutes from your front door it makes you thank God,Allah,Jehovah or the higher power for what you have.
Hear hear.
However, I don`t like to see citizens from any country who have worked hard all year, saving their money up for a holiday being robbed by desperate people...maybe we should all book them into our hotel rooms and fill in the under-occupancy.
They will also have to live here in apartments houses feed themselves and live out of sight on quite in small area say in comparison to the mainland of Spain or the UK while trying to survive with no legal papers
That`s easily done, thousands do it everyday on Islands the same size as Tenerife....especially when they have paid the mafia to look after them.
According to this paper there was a rise of 147% of illegal immigrants who MADE it to the Canaries last year and the mafias were involved, the paper then goes on to say that the reckless policy of extranjerÃÂÂÂa and the policy of security has left the Canaries wide open.
Last year they gave papers of residency to 20,000 people who were originally illegal, and this may have opened the flood gates for the new route.
Very very few land undetected and avoid internement
How do you know that Peter.? when the Spanish themselves admit at being caught out.?...and the dates you quote are from Jan...what about before that date.?...nobody has suggested that they are running around causing chaos and mayhem...only you....and is there not more to Tenerife than Los Christianos.?
Anyway. I forgot, I shouldn`t have come in here to try and tell people to be careful. Mischevious I am not...a realist I certainly am....I`ll wait for the official crime figures.
Don`t forget I love Tenerife, but I knew it before either the Asians. Brits or the Africans set their eyes on it.

Sanji xxxx
I hear what you are saying but you would be better generalising about pickpockets and thieves.Which in fairness is a lot less than in past years than an issue that may or may not become a problem for tourists.

We all know that the Canary Islands are a target for illegal immigrants from the African continent and we all know that some can be a nuisance but we do not need to discuss it a length as it is not possible for us to do anything about it in this country. Lets close this now and let the authorities deal with it.
The post in itself is fair enough as a warning for holidaymakers to be aware that there are miscreants in and a round us no matter where we are or what island we happen to be on it's a matter of being vigilant.

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