We're getting married on 2 October in Cyprus this year and plan to head off on honeymoon on 3/4 October from Cyprus (either from Cyprus via elsewhere eg Dubai or we may have to return to UK and fly back out which is fine).
Please don't suggest staying in Cyprus

Anyway, it seems that most places have hurricanes or monsoons around this time of year and I am receiving completely conflicting weather reports. We both want somewhere we can relax with gorgeous beaches but also where we can experience some culture or wildlife and not be stuck on a (sky scraper!) complex for two weeks. We love places like Asia mostly (been to Bali, Thailand before but happy to return). We've also been to Australia. We don't fancy doing anything too activity based (like Kenya).
Would the Maldives be ok at this time of year? Only prob with this is we're worried we might get a bit bored as there's not as much to do here. We quite fancied Sri Lanka too but heard it could be very rainy. Another option was Goa but the beaches don't look as gorgeous (or the accommodation as plush)....
HELPPP!!! I only have few weeks left to book this as I haven't even booked my wedding flights yet.