I've been looking for flights for alsorts of destinations, for early next year (2007) as we like to book everything separately....Egypt, Turkey, Tunisia, Greece etc........ but flight prices seem to have gone crazy compared to the quotes I was getting this time last year.
..just for nosey-ness sake, I've even looked at 2007 TCD F/D flights to Florida for the exact flights we had earlier this year - and even they are £100p.p. dearer.
Whilst I realise most carriers are having to charge higher fuel charge supplements, its the basic flights which seem to have shot up too. Also I've noticed package deals don't seem to have increased anything like as much.
Perhaps someone can enlighten me......
- were flight prices unusually cheap last year ?
- is this just a bad time of year to book ?
- are the airline carriers getting wise to the DIY end of the market ?
- is it just me / the websites I'm using (Travel Republic, XL.com, Travelcare, Flydeals, Sundeals) ?
- is there another reason ???
At this rate I will be forced to go back to the old package deal...something we have not done for 3 years

Would welcolme any views on the subject .