Hi all!
Well I've been putting it off long enough and by reading everyone elses reports I've got a lot to live up to! So please bear with me, through the sight ramblings on and constant change of subject, you'll get my report!
To give you all a bit of background first....
We were thinking about going to Tenerife over Xmas time (05), and by stumbling accross some 'Cheap exotic deals' we suddenly realised that we could actually afford a holiday to Goa - a place we only ever imagined was for honeymoon couples or for the very well paid! However thanks to this fantastic site, I managed to get more than enough info and we headed off on the 11th of March for our 2 week adventure!
We flew out with First Choice (after reading horror stories about Monarch!!Thank you all!) and the flight was wonderful!! We had plenty of leg room (this is just star class not premium class) very helpful flight attendants and by paying an extra £5 you get to watch all the new films - that we never have time to go and see in the cinema at home! We knew a few guys that booked Premium class - and paid an extra £125 for it! In my opinion it's not worth it. Unless you have really really long legs, only ever eat off china, and have a thing for slightly bigger blankets and some free booze, use that extra money for a nice bit of jewellery in Goa!
Once we arrived in Goa, and eventually got through immigration, we were armed and ready with our £1 coins!! Since i've never been before I cant comment on how things used to be - but I did feel that some of the baggage guys were very pushy and cheeky. We gave out the pound coins quite happily to those that helped us, then the crowds decended upon us!! Some were trying to get more out of us, others trying to change MASSIVE handfuls of coins to sterling! I swear one guy had about £30 on him!!!
Anyway, those that have never been before - dont let the first 12 hours put you off! Goa is beautiful, but looking at it through a bus window that won't open, all you can see is a shanty town! It takes a wee bit of time to seep into your heart, and once its there, you are totally and utterly in love with the place!
Once we got to our hotel (Beira Mar in Baga - report up already!) and got our 'beach wear' on, we hit the beach! You need to get used to the constant offer of free sunbeds, sarongs, torches etc etc but just treat it as fun banter and you'll enjoy it! Baga beach is lovely, up nearer the river it quietens down a bit and the sun beds are not piled one on top of the other!
One thing I'll say now (for other 1st timers) is, never ever buy anything on your first day!!! (Unless you really need towels and flip flops!!) If you are really wanting to spend some cash, go to a few places to compair prices - the white skin and constant telling that you have just arrived means you'll get ripped off!!
Eating out in Goa is fantastic!! You are spoilt for choice. however getting used to the heat and the spices unfortunately ensures that for the 1st week you have no appetite at all!! I lost weight, which was kinda cool, but was gutted that I couldnt finish even the smallest of courses! Esp if your a curry and sea food fiend like me! I won't give a list about top places to eat, the list on this forum already gives the most fantastic info!
Actually, one place I really will recommend is Apple Pie in Baga, 3 courses for 280R!! The most amazing French food, perfect size of courses (saved it for our 2nd week, ate all the food no probs!) and its far enough off the beaten track that you don't get hoards of screaching English people or the constant beeping of taxis!!
I would love to go on and on about all the amazing trips we went on, but we didn't do any!!! Once we had agreed that we were coming out for a month next time (had decided upon this by day 3) we agreed that it would be best just to chill out, relax, talk to local people and enjoy our holiday! By cramming everything into 2 weeks we would have just felt flustered and stressed! Also the weather in the 2nd week was getting waaaaay too hot nad humid! (respect to all those that can handle the April heat!)
We did however go to a few of the local markets. Anjuna Sat night and Mackies sat night ones to be exact. These were great fun, but very tiring. For the most hardcore shoppers (me!) it gets very taxing, having to be polite to the thousendth person trying to sell you something 'cheaper than asda price'. So may other people complained about this, we were even suggesting writing a letter that ALL shops can get stating that if they leave us alone - we are all far more likely to buy things! P.s, if they manage to work out you've not long arrived, things will not be cheaper than asda!!!
Okay what else....
A note to the girly girls!!!
I am a lover of all things, pink, glittery, high heeled and straightened, however Goa is not the place for this!!! Okay the pink and glittery can get done with lovely shoes, bags, throws, sari's etc etc
However, stiletto lovers beware!! This is not the place to show off your new Choo's ( I bloomin wish!) I did take some wedges with me - they never made it out of the suitcase! Its time to buy some funky flip flops and embrace the flats! I was almost having panic attacks, but soon realised that my ankles were worth saving and to be honest, you just look stupid wearing heels! So many girls were trying to totter down Titos road, and getting laughed at all the way by locals and wised up tourists alike!
My beloved GHD's were not used once on holiday, neither was my hairdryer. Nor was the makeup bag opened for anything other than mascara in the evenings - in fact, I think I put on a wee bit of glittery eyeshadow once and felt like a bit of a pratt!
Also, your wardrobe. Do take the mini denim skirts and vest tops, don't even conisder half the stuff you wear at home for nights out. Sooooo much stuff was vetod once I arrived as it was an 'Edinburgh top' etc etc.
You can buy tonnes of skirts, kaftans, bikini's, shorts (yip, I even wore them without wedges) shoes, day bags for next to nothing. Maybe pack one nice 'last meal' outfit and a couple of evening things, but to be honest, you don't need to!
Watch out for men with cameras!! They take pics of you, show them to their mates saying your his 'western girlfriend' and if your really lucky, you'll end up in Indian readers wives!! You have been warned! This has been known to happen.
Also watch out for big waves!!! If your bikini is not tight enough, it ends up twisted round and showing off your whiter than white bits! Again this poses a great photo opportunity for the Indians (not the Goans - you'll find its all groups of lads from Bombay that get a bit snap happy!) and groups of lads suddenly seem to migrate your way when they realise this is happening! They also try to help you - and try to cop a feel at the same time, a strategically placed elbow works wonders!
If you want to get pampered in Goa, your in total heaven!! Manicures and pedicures galore - though the ones you get on the beach consist of a nail file and painted nails. You can get proper ones for even less money at a beauticians along with hair cut etc. I didn't get my hair cut or dyed, but have been told that its great, very cheap and no mullets in sight!
I'm sure I'll think up some more stuff soon enough - hope this helps at the moment!
Goldie xx
What a great report - felt like I was there
If you need any more info, pm me, I'll do my best for you!! I totally fell in love with Goa and cant wait to go back again - esp since when we go back we're making a very special purchase at the jewellers!!
Fantastic Goldilocks. Good tips on high heels and straightners,ill still be taking mine with me, and maybe one pair of high heels for a meal out
By all means take them!! I want a pic if you wear/use them though!!!

Im so jealous a whole month! We are going to dirty our nose's while there and look around for apartments to rent,we may be able to manage 3 weeks next year.
I too have the natural curly/frizzy/big hair and for once embraced it!! I found that letting it dry with a little bit of serum through it didn't make you look like a total sea monster! Learn to love your natural look - I did and my boyfriend thought it was lovely to see me looking all happy and naturally beautiful!! (As in Edinburgh, I have straight hair, make up on, high heels and only wear certain clothes!)(gawd, I was such a snob!!!)
natural goldie xx
Hi goldilocks, Fab report. Love to hear more about it!
Hey great report! Oh and Elliebee don't bother, really don't bother with the high heels! I barely wear make up in Goa, one of the things I really like is that the lighting is so poor in the bars and restaurants that you can get away with just chilling and looking good by candle light or fairy lights!
I have brought lots of Primark flip flops in preperation (cheap and cheerful) and intend to get some out there - Yay shopping!! But I STILL wanna take my wedges!
Straightners are staying at home as I am lucky and can get away without them. I think I will have to be ruthless with the clothes that I take though!!
Goldilocks I'm sure to think of loads more questions before we go! Will probably bombard you with them!
Fab report goldilocks it really made me chuckle!! I was the monster you mention for the whole two weeks. Even my family didnt recognise me on the photos when i got back. I shall have to remember serum for next year.!
really enjoyed reading your report
We've just got back last Tuesday and certainly agree with you about Apple Pie. The best restaurant we went to with fantastic food and good price.
More girlie stuff!
Just wanted to say that my ghds most definitely went with me and were probably used about 11 out of 14 nights. They work fine and only take very slightly longer to heat up. Most nights the hair stayed straight ok but a couple of nights were so hot that it did end up a frizzy mess. But hey, that's why you always take a bobble out! So if you're like me and the natural look just looks ridiculous then there's no need to go out looking like a monster!
I also took wedges and wore them a couple of times although I got a pair of Indian sandals on one of the first days and wore them constantly for the rest of the holiday!

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