Firstly Jopa sorry about the delay in replying - our daughter who is travelling in South America has been in hospital in La Paz having broken 5 ribs (she came off a bike on a trip & hit a concrete table). Fortunately she is okay & will be able to continue but we have been a bit preoccupied!!!!!
Anyway I'm sure you can find this from guide books but here goes....
Obviously the main square is fantastic - do make sure that you are there for the trumpet being played on the hour (every hour & this is especially atmospheric late at night).
Just sit at one of the many cafes around the square & soak up the ambience of the place.
There are lots of good bars in the surrounding area - I'd recommend Wodka if you come across it- no prizes for guessing the main product!
If you've not tried Polish Vodka my favourite is Zubrowka (Bison grass).It's very popular to drink it mixed with apple juice ( my daughter & friends like it like this ,but I prefer it neat!)
The Jewish quarter is well worth a visit. Good bars & restuarants.It's a very lively area to walk round & has changed a lot since we first went there 12 years ago.
If you like museums etc then go to Wawel - the royal castle- go there anyway just to walk round outside & along the Vistula river. If you go inside it does take quite a long time to go round's quite impressive .! Our favourite museum was the University Museum at 15 Jagiellonska street..It's not far from the main square. It's where Copernicus studied. It's quite small scale and there are English guided tours around it that you can book on. Really recommend if you like that sort of thing.
If you like classical music they do have some good concerts & you might come across Nigel Kennedy playing in a bar as he lives in Krakow.
We liked the Salt Mines at Wieliczka It takes a long time to go round but is fascinating- again there are English tours.
Have never done Auschwitz.
We also enjoyed the rafting trip trip down a through the Dunajec River Gorge in the Pieniny Mountains . Dont know what this site is like but has trips.
WE love the tatra mountains - there are trips from Krakow - they tend to go to Zakopane - it's a good couple of hours & the road can get very busy. Dont be put off by the approach as you go into Zakopane ( too many billboards!) but the centre is nice- a good market ,but ideally if you can get into the mountains as well ( fantastic flowers). We always stay in a small village Jurgow about 15 miles away - not touristy like Zakopane.
If you go try & choose a fine day for the views!
Just enjoy wandering around Krakow . Hope the place doesnt get spoilt by stag/hen parties of drunken brits. At the moment it's very laid back & relaxed.
If you have a specific question I can ask my Polish friends though we are going to stay in mountains in Southern Spain for a week this Wednesday so it would have to wait till we get back.
Anyway hope this is some help
Dave Hanson (Hull Saddler)