Well we're back in the U.K. again after another fantastic time in Goa.
Did nothing that I had planned to do but plenty that I hadn't.
We flew Monarch this time (it's the second time we've flown Monarch to Goa) and once again the flight was absolutely dreadful. We took the upgrade much against my better judgement, but the wife insisted.
The cabin crew were rude, obnoxious and totally unhelpful. The Pursers intransigent attitide was highly offensive. We couldn't get a blanket, they had none. The headsets didn't work properly so we watched the inflight films with only one earpiece working. We couldn't get a drink served to us, the crew were too busy (too busy sitting behind the curtain ignoring the passengers), although when we paid for our drinks, there suddenly seemed to be plenty of time to serve us. Now don't get me wrong here, there were 10 of us travelling together and we weren't sitting in silence but neither were we jumping up and down shouting and screaming. We were talking amongst ourselves and fellow passengers. At no point did we offend or disturb anyone in the aircraft, in fact several fellow passengers have written statements confirming this. The more we complained about the service the worse it got and eventually the Purser refused to serve us at all stating that we were all drunk. Well I know altitude and alcohol can be a bad mix but I defy anyone to get drunk on a glass of champagne and half a can of warm fosters and this is all we'd had for 3 hours.
When we checked in for our return flight we were made to sign a Condition of Passage form that basically said we were not allowed to drink or carry any alcohol on the return trip. It went on to say that basically we had no right of complaint on the flight. Our bags were searched when we were actually on the aircraft, in front of all the other passengers, as were we, and our passports confiscated, presumably in case we decided to jump of the plane somewhere on route.
All of this because the Purser made a bad decision and was then too stubborn to admit that she had got it wrong. This particular person refused to give us her name and also removed her name badge.
That's enough detail for now because I will pursue this with Monarch and can see it going legal very quickly.
Goa itself was fantastic as usual, we used Bob Marley and String Fellows on Candolim Beach, but also spent a lot of time on Vagator Beach at Sunset Beach Shack (try the King Prawns here) and on Mandrem Beach. All of these were first class for quality and service and largely kept the sellers away from us.
We stayed at the Prazeres in Candolim (room 106), which was great. Ground floor with a terrace leading straight out to the poolside. We didn't have any noise problems at all but I could believe that the rooms immediately over the bar area would be a problem for some. The hotel staff were great as usual.
I bought a suit from the Tailors opposite the hotel, which is very well made, I'm very very pleased with it and it cost £ 55.
We arrived just at the end of Holi, which is the most fun I have ever had in Goa. Lots of smiling faces, lots of paint, lots of fun. If you ever get a chance to be there for this festival I would highly recommend it.
We headed down South to Palolem for a few days, which was great fun. Palolem was much busier than I expected, it is very similar to Anjuna really but restricted to the beach front only. We stayed at Laguna Vista Beach Huts on the island. Bobby the owner was a huge help when we had a puncture in the jeep. He took care of all the repairs for us and was most offended when we tried to pay him for this help.
A word of warning here, I stood on a fish hook at Palolem (my own) and had to have it cut out of my foot, which wasn't the best of experiences so be very careful when fishing at night especially after a Kings or two.
Lots of Isrealies at Palolem, who were very noisey and occasionally quite violent towards each other although they didn't really cause us that much of a problem.
Back to Candolim and a night at Stringfellow's with a fire eater et al. My thanks go to Denis for making this truly special night. We had two Birthdays to celebrate, a 40th and a 19th and this night will always be remembered.
Another word of caution though, when we left the shack we found that the jeep was stuck in the sand. 3 indian boys helped us push it out which was nice until they grabbed a purse from a bag and ran. They were not Goans and lived in the forest up by Fort Aguada, where apparently many migrant workers live. Generally I would trust anyone I met from Goa but the migrants, you do need to keep an eye on. So then we were 7000 rupees and 3 credit cards down, not to mention the family photos that were also lost.
Went to Arambol a couple of times. This place has really changed over the last few years. Still a great beach but there are so many stalls there now and more and more sellers by the day. It really isn't a place to relax anymore. I found Vagator much quieter.
Spent many evenings in Ice & Spice and as usual the food and Company were first class. We played the Ice Boys at football, which was great fun but unfortunately we lost 4 -3 on penalties. Still there's always next year!!
Ate at Floyds opposite Ice & Spice and wasn't very impressed. My meal was fine but probably 1/3 of us couldn't eat their meal it was that bad.
Fishing with Blackie off of Coco Beach was good, my friend caught a nice Rock Salmon, which looked great and tasted even better.
We also fished a couple of nights down at the light house below Fort Reiss but caught mainly Catfish and Flat fish although some of them got quite big. The rocks were a real problem though and fish certainly new what to do when they were hooked. Still it was all good fun.
Looked at a piece of land in Coco Beach, which I'll make a decision on in the next week or so.
Ate at the Delhi Durba in Panjim or whatever it's called. It was nice but not that impressive. You can eat just as well in many of the local restaurants in Candolim and they are much cheaper.
We didn't get any major hassle off of the Taxi drivers or sellers but then we are quite well known in the area so maybe that is why.
Our Indian friend Ravi was indispensable as usual. Our very own "Sat Rav", so we never got lost and always had a tip off on prices. Talking of prices I did notice that they are steadily creeping upwards. Things still aren't expensive but neither are they quite as good value as in previous years.
This is the latest I have ever been to Goa and it was very hot and humid, even the locals were struggling to handle it. Got a nice tan though.
If you ever go to Vagator Beach you'll meet a beach seller named Nikita. Be sure to watch out for her she could sell anything to anyone, no matter how much you really don't want to buy it. She's a great laugh and we spent lots of time just chatting to her and her co-workers.
Baga was mad hectic as usual but at least I got a few new tricks from the Magic Man.
Tracked down a lot of old friends and generally had a fantastic time although there were some set backs as well.
Oh, we went to a place called Sweet Chilli or something like that, down near Fort Aguada. Great entertainment and food. You should try it if you get the chance.
There's a post on here about rubbish - yes it did seem particularly bad this time but fior the firsdt time I noticed people cleaning the beaches (all the beaches, not just th emain tourtist beaches)
That is a really good report! very specific
Very honest and straight report. Well written. I hope you get your monarch issues sorted out. How did you overcome having Visa's and money stolen? Did your insurance people do you justice?
More frustrating than anything else especially as Ravi, who was with us was trying to warn us what they were up to but we were concentrating on getting the jeep out the sand.
As for Monarch, well I really can't describe how disappointed I am with them. All they were interested in was not having to do any work on the flight and they couldn't have cared less what we thought. Talking to the Purser was like talking to a recalcitrant child who seemed to think she was somehow scoring points by being rude and obnoxious - each comment getting steadily more offensive. As for insisting we sign a form waiving our right of complaint, well I'm not even sure that is legal. I will never fly to Goa with them again. This incident could easily have ruined our holiday had we let it.
If I didn't need to be back in the U.K. over this weekend I would not have signed their Condition of Passage letter and would have found another way home.
It definately sounds as though it's illegal to force you to sign a waiver to me, there is a complaints discussion section on this website somewhere and they have really good legal advice why don't you put a post up I'm sure someone will help also try the link at the top of the goa page "Holidays from Hell" I'm sure they would be interested too. Failing that just go to the SUN newspaper they love stuff like this.
Enjoyed your report immensely.Any flight discussion forum has the same things to say about Monarch.Rubbish rubbish rubbish.We flew First Choice star class premier and it was fantastic.Cannot reccomend then enough.Only problem is it is going to get pretty hard to bbok with them now the word is getting around
good to read your report.........we've had ok ( cant ever call a monarch flight 'really good') & bad flights with monarch but i agree that the cabin crew are not interested really in doing anything to help you. they have this amazing knack of walking down the aisles avoiding all eye contact with everyone....must be taught this in their training school cos theyve really got it down to a fine art. i think theyve forgotten one little thing they are there to do a job and if it wasnt for us lot who suffer their ignorance & if monarch went bump they would not have a job & some of the crew ive encountered on monarch flights i cannot see them being re-employed in some big non charter airline - they just wouldnt cut it.
Brendon - we are flying with first choice/ mytravel ( gather they are the same?) anyway we wanted to upgrade to star class premier, when i rang our TA i was told it isn't available on our flight!! We are flying at Xmas so i wondered if that had anything to do with it???!!??!

First Choice and My travel are two completely different companies.
Star class premier is only available on First choice flights not My Travel.
Came back from Goa last week on First choice premier flight they really are good.
Hope that clears it up for you.
Thanks Joan
Yes this is going to be a real problem.The word is getting around about First Choice so demand willo be high which will put up prices.However it will mean that other companies will have to improve their long haul product.Eventually we all win hopefully
We've flown with Lufthansa, BMI and Air India - all to Mumbai.
They were a million times better than the[Manchester-Goa] Monarch flight and worth the hassle of changing. The Monarch flight takes a long time anyway due to the Bahrain stop (one girl had her mobile stolen through the security conveyor belt). I couldn't even walk straight up the isle and ended up ripping my shorts on the seat while I walked sideways to the loo (q for loo was ridiculous - not enough as packing everyone in). I can't belive they can take out all those middle partitions and cram seats in like that. Also forgot my veg meal as usual. Glad staff weren't that rude to us.
Last flight with Air India was excellent - booked on the internet - 346 stirling return going out Feb 22nd and returning Sept 30th. Got to Heathrow from Chester for 10 on Virgin Trains and 4.50 tube, then 15 stirling to Goa from Mumbai including taxes, with Deccan Air (this is much better than Monarch!)- all booked on the internet.
On Air India had a choice of veg meals, free booze (in fact copied the man in front and ordered a g & t and 2 wines at the same time all given with a smile!) , roomy seats were pre-booked for free by Air India and I could have changed if required.
Why are people paying vast amounts of money for rubbish service,expensive upgrades and poor quality including the package holidays??
We had 1 veggie travelling so I booked 2 veggie meals for each leg knowing that they have let us down with the food before. My thoughts were if I book 2 then we'll get at least 1 and if we do end up getting 2 then it really wouldnl;t be that much of a problem but not a chance.
We got no veggie meals at all on either leg.
Premium class is probably sold out and thats why there are no seats on the flight . First Choice even economy has good leg room and a big improvement on Monarch or My Travel
As far as I am concerned Monarch are the pits, I flew with Jet air and the service was much the same as Matti describes with Air India, good service, leg room, free drinks, good in-service entertainment, and nothing was too much trouble, even with a 2 hr stop at Mumbai, I was only an hour behind the charters who stopped at Dubai, and 3 hrs ahead of the Thurs flight that goes to Kerala first [can't remember which airline]
Much more leg room, comfy seats, seat back TV.
Got delayed on the way out of Manchester for 15 and a half hours. Things were very organised, as soon as we turned up at Manchester we were informed of the problem and transferred within 10 mins to Bewleys Hotel for the the night. Also given £9 each to spend in the airport the next day. I know it doesn't make up for losing a day of your hols but when the company is organised and keeps you informed it does take the sting out of it.
We have already booked with First Choice to go again next year.
Fritz, I hope you are successful with your case against Monarch, it sounds as if you had an horrendous experience.
Re your commenst about the flight out. There are lots of others on the flight and I often feel that people are very inconsiderate to others when on the flight, we had one such couple on our first choice flight who frankly i would have ejected. While you may not think you werer being loud, the perception was probably different for the other passengers who happened to be near you and the crew thinking of them also. i might be being harsh, but remember the crew have to deal with people day in day out and have to make a judgemnet call and if that call was not to serve alchol for the good of the rest of the passengers then they are the ones with the experience. People are always too quick to blame others...
The facts are that we were not disturbing anyone, even unknowingly. That's why the other passengers around us have written statements to that effect. It was simply a bad judgement call made by one crew member who was then too stubborn to admit she was wrong.
There was ultimately a heated conversation with the Purser but not of our causing, we weren't the ones shouting and yelling the odds, she was. In fact when she first spoke with us I suggested that we went up the front of the aircraft so as not to disturb other passengers and she insisted that we have the conversation where we were. This same person then refused to give me her name and immediatley removed her name badge, hardly the actions of someone dutifully caring for other passengers.
Notwithstanding that, even if we were causing a problem to people, and I say again that we were not, then there are ways and means to deal with that, like perhaps asking us to be little quieter. Lying, threatening, bullying and trying to intimidate us are not ways or means that I find acceptable.
Did the Purser think you had all been drinking before you got onto the flight?
When I have flown with Monarch and have upgraded they came around quite often to ask if you would like a drink. Sometimes if I was desperate for a glass of water they did not mind if I went into the galley to get one.
Have Monarch contacted you since your holiday?
Sometimes people in a group of ten can perhaps seem threatening to others around them to the extent that they may say they are happy to sign when asked, to take the easy option. Perhaps when approached later in the safety of their own home they may not be so willing to back up their original statements. I'm not sure if everyone would back up the remark about the right to make a certain ammount of noise, who decides what is reasonable?, I would suggest the Purser. I normally fly cattle class like most folks, but on the odd occasion over the years if I have upgraded it would be for added comfort and possibley some peace and quiet, rather than a party atmosphere. I,m just trying to point out here that one persons view of an incident can be completel different to anothers, We flew back premier class with Monarch last week,and were offered drinks whenever asked and enjoyed a trouble free flight. As we had a five hour drive at the end of the flight we were able to get some sleep as there was nobody who felt entitled to make a certain ammount of noise travelling that day, but what suits one person does'nt always suit another and thats just a fact of life Alan

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