First part of my report is the flight

If i start to bore you or talk about stupid things just ignore them because im really tired

Well, here goes.................
Our flight was with Monarch flying from manchester at 1pm. Id actually forgot how bad they were. As soon as we boarded the plane and walked down the aisle to my seat i found it a bit of a squeeze to walk down without bumping into people who were already sat down. Im a size 12, which most of the cabin crew looked about that size and they were constantly bumping into people with their trays of food and drinks.
The crew were great though, good service, wasn't a delay.
We stopped off at barhain as usual, we didnt buy any duty free as we were planning on getting it all in resort at Goa.
The flight itself wasnt too bad for me as i was travelling with 2 children, 2 and 11 so the 2 year old lay on me and i had two seats to myself because i paid for the seat for the 2 year old.
I really felt sorry for people who just had one small cramped seat.
Arrival at Goa airport
wow.... it has not changed in the slightest.
We got off the plane at 5am local time and had to walk about 5 mins to the airport on the runway.
When we finally got into the building there was a huge queue and it didnt seem to go down as quickly because people had filled in the immigration forms out wrong.

So i just took a seat ( find it really funny watching people stand in queues for ages when they could be sitting down)
We were getting on the coach so i didnt see the point in trying to the the first one out.
Then when i finally got to the guy at the desk he was so rude and unfriendly( not how i remembered it on my last 3 visits).
We went to get our bags and i found it really annoying that our cases were coming out on two different carrasols(sp)
I was aware of the guys grabbing bags and wanting money ( one guy tried to get £1 off me just for taking the bag off the carrasol and taking it to the door of the airport and not the coach. Told him where to stick his help so he didnt bother.
We were greeted by our small coach and a bottle of water and waited about 20 mins then set off.
Arrival at our hotel . Tio carmino Calangute
Well, what can i say..... As the rep announced this was the tio carmino, i nearly cried. There was a block of ugly dirty white flats next door to our hotel and when you first get there you dont really notice the tio carmino hotel. I thought the white flats was the hotel.
Luckily they weren't

Our rooms were basic, but the bed sheets did have stains on them. I think they had been washed but not properly and the towels smelled, i dont know what of but we didnt use them.
We bought our own bed spreads and put them over the bed. It was too hot to have a sheet over us anyway so we werent too bothered.
I strongly recommend anyone going in April to get a/c. We only had fans, they werent much use. But overall i found the weather during the day to be really good, very hot but thats the way i like it

Next part is the first few days, beach shacks and coco beach
Hope i havent bored you already