Hello to all the holiday truth members and regular visitors. Im Emma i am a Thomson rep who is passionate about my job with Thomson but am currently on Maternity leave as i am due to have my first baby in 5 weeks time! scary!
I have too much free time on my hands and many of my own customers have mentioned this web site in regards to all types of holiday questions, so i thought i would check it out for myself. I am impressed at just how much this board covers and how popular it is.
Now i have read some of the topics posted under the Thomson section and would like to point out that i am NOT here to PROMOTE thomson or DEFEND thomson on any personal issue/complaint you have, im here as a experienced travel agent[7 years] who is willing to answer any questions you might have whether thats related to Thomson or not!
Im presuming that the board monitors will not have a problem with my input and i look forward to helping any one i can! I will try to reply asap but please me patient as i am only on line for certain periods of the day, the rest is spent waddling around and wondering what my feet look like!
Thanks, Emma.