I know this is a little different because your talkin about flights but the comment about us booking holidays that the T/O dont even know exists yet is quite true. Last year we booked the Mirage hotel in icmeler based of course on previous good reports. I booked when the eclipse brochure came out in April/may. Around septemeber/october somebody posted on this site that the mirage was been knocked down and rebuilt as an A/I

. A/I would do me fine I thought we would prefer that. so i assumed first choice/eclipse would give me the choice to cancel or upgrade. No such thing . When I rang them they were completely unaware of any of this and were still happily selling as B+B. News to us they said and luckily I had managed to get a member of staff that was ingrigued by the info i had given her. Off she went for a couple of days then rang me back. Yes its all true but we dont know what will happen about your booking. So I spent a few months wondering if my holiday was to be cancelled . In the new year I rang first choice again and spoke to the same lady who told me the mirage would be honouring the B+B bookings. Still didnt know what we were gonna find when we got there.
On the night of arrival once the rep had dissappeared we were told at reception "we have overbooked" we are putting you in another hotel for the nigh and as a token of our goodwill we shall be upgrading you to A/I at no extra charge

and we will come and get you in the morning. spent a really sleepness night as you can imagine. But first thing next day there they were to come and get us.
So after my long story there , the moral of the story is
you can find out more accurate info here on HT than by the T?O you have made the booking with.
in our case it couldnt of worked out better which i had a sneeky feeling it would becaused once again after reading reports on here i knew the mirage were now completely A/I

which is why i never pushed first choice too much.