Hi, I booked a holiday on 1st May with Thomas Cook travelling with Thomson holidays, when they told me the total cost, I queried it as it sounded too cheap, I actually asked them have you booked two rooms and they said yes, so I paid the deposit, later that day I still felt they had undercharged so contacted them again to ensure the price they gave me was correct, I then paid the balance in full. I asked them what would happen if they had undercharged and they said that it would be their problem and not mine. In total I queried the cost 4 times! Yesterday I received a phone call from Thos Cook telling me that Thomsons had made a mistake and I would have to pay another £600 to go on the holiday, or I could cancel receive a refund or change my holiday. I was furious and contacted ABTA they told me that I could either pay up or Thomsons would cancel my holiday and refund it.
Surely this is unfair. Thomas Cook are unwilling to even meet me half way and pay £300. I would appreciate any comments or advice that anybody could offer me. Thanks in advance. Alison
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Let us know how you get on Sparkycat.
Usually the only time the price of the holiday can go up, if it is due to excessive fuel increases or a change of duty/VAT.
You'll also usually find that the price on the confirmation invoice is the price you pay.
I suggest you fight this one out.

Thank you for your quick replies, my main concern is that if I fight it then Thomsons will just cancel the booking, refund my money thus saving themselves £600 and I will be without a holiday. I am trying to ring Ros and will post what she has to say.
If you have the final holiday price in wirting seek legal advice. In theory the same should hold true if the offer was verbal, but of course that is generally impossible to prove.

Did you not receive a print-out eg. receipt of your payment that you made. Usually you would receive this and that would then tell you what the remaining balance is?
This happened to me about 4 years ago with Going Places . We went and enquired about a holiday to Thailand for Christmas . This was in the January the girl quoted us £ 1800.00 for 2 people for 3 nights in Bangkok staying at 4star hotel and 10nights staying in Phuket at the 5 Star Sheraton Grand Laguna. The price was so cheap we booked it there and then on a low deposit. When I received the invoice from Kuoni it was for about £ 4300.00 for the two of us (which was a much realistic price) . I went back into Going Places and they told we the price they had quoted me was correct (£1800.00) and paid teh balane of low deposit . In the October i paid the final balance of £1600.00 but did worry up until the day we actually arrived in Thailand that the holiday would not exist. All in all we had a brilliant holiday for a fraction of the price it should of cost . Went back in the January to book again for following year and quoted £ 5000.00 for same holiday when i queried it and said we had just had the same holiday for £ 1800.00 they admitted that year they had had a blip on the computer system and the girl had actually given us 55% discount instead of 5%. Basically the travel agent honoured our booking through their own mistake . The blip had now been rectified.
perhaps 4 years back I went into my local petrol station shop to buy some car wash liquid. Picked one off the shelf that was a lower price than others, went to the till, it was scanned and priced at a higher rate than shelf-edge stated. I complained, they refused to sell at the lower price. I refused the higher. I left without the liquid. Phoned the trading standards guys and was told:
The shop "offers to treat" when they place products on the shelves. You, the customer, may take up that offer and the shop elects to sell you the goods - that completes the contract. If the shop "offers to treat", you elect to buy the shop may then refuse to sell. basically, the shop was within it's rights to not sell the goods to me at the lower price.
The trad. std. guy explained that the shop should then of course correct the mistake otherwise other issues are raised.
So, your agent offered the product (the holiday) at a price, you purchased and paid and this was accepted. I believe the contract has been made and the agent is no longer in a position to cancel the holiday. The only confusion I can see in this is the relationship between you, the agent and the Tour Op. Was the agent acting for you or for Thompson ? Is your contract with Thompson or Cooks ?
If you paid by credit card there might be some redress via your card issuer. Both card issuer and service supplier are equally liable in the event of a breach of contract. This aspect is complicated where the agent takes credit card payment but is not the supplier of the package.
More complications than answers, sorry. Bet Ros knows though.
Thanks for all your replies, we have got all computer print outs confirming that we have paid the balance in full. Under pressure from the travel agent I have paid the extra £600 in case they cancelled my holiday. Would have been gutted as my kids are so looking forward to it!. Feel very let down by Thomas Cook. I have since contacted Ros the holiday truths advice solicitor, and they have been extremely helpful, they are looking into it and will advise me once they receive my documents. Its only 8 wks till we go and it has totally spoilt it for me, particularly when I was so honest all the way along and raised questions about the cost of the holiday, all they kept saying was that they had checked it and it was correct! Thanks again Alison
Thanks for the update Alison.
A retailer is under no obligation to sell to you if they notice a price discrepancy at the point of sale.
I wouldn't have paid, they don't have a leg to stand on if you have it in writing, and it's paid in full.
I would also write to Thomas Cook and tell them you paid the £600 under duress .
Hope you get it sorted,
this same thing happened to me last year with lunn poly booking an airtours holiday, i too queried the price as it was so good about 3 times, i then told my friend and she also booked it and checked the price too, as i booked over the phone and paid deposits over the phone we received written confirmation from lunn poly, about 10 days later i got a phone call from lunn poly saying the price was wrong the price on the internet had come out wrong and it was £1000 more or they could give me a refund, i was fuming so went into lunn poly they refused to budge as airtours wouldnt move, i rang airtours they wouldnt help me, i rang lunn poly head office i got no where, they only thing they said to me was ,til i got the invoice from airtours there was no contract, which i never did receive only the lunn poly one, i said to them its 1 rule for you and 1 for me if after paying my deposit i had decided to cancel the holiday, i would have lost all my deposit, i ended up accepting refund and getting another holiday as i wasnt going to pay £1000 more, i think this is very wrong and if they make an error they should honour it once deposits have been paid
your post sparked a memory. I recall reading somewhere that when you book a package it's the principals final invoice that is the critical one. Often, the agent is acting as a retail agent for the Tour Op. Until you've received that critical invoice you might be on shaky ground.
Why is it though that the travel industry generates so much more hassle than the high street. We spend £1 on every £8 in this country with TESCO. They don't whinge when they make a mistake - just take it on the chin, keep the customer happy and fix the problem quickly.
Time after time we read of mistakes being made by Travel Agents, Tour Operators, Hotels, Car-hire companies.
When is the travel industry ever likely to become professional ?
did you get your thomsons invoice ? if so with the incorrect price confirmed then they cant do anything, but if like me you only got it from the travel agents its not worth the paper its written on, even after deposits have been paid this is totally wrong in my eyes
I've contacted a few people about this situation as I find it so unfair. I won't hold my breath for a response but we can but try.

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