We have just got back from two weks in Rhodes.. On arrival we had to queau in the sun to get into the airport and then queau for passport control. Inside, the airport was so crowded it was difficult to walk around. Three baggage belts were working but only two had names up so we assumed our luggage would be on the third one. Eventually luggage appeared and we waited and waited. Bags from our flight were there but not ours. When other flights appeared we got worried. After about an hour when we were about to press the panic button our bags appeared. With relief we got out and picked up our car.
When the time came to leave we made sure we got there early. There was a queau out through the door and along the front of the building in the sun. The reason for the queau is that baggage screening is upstream of the checkin desks. This also means that you have to hump heavy bags onto the feed belt and take them off on the other side of the scanner. And then join the queau for checkin. However, when I went in to return the keys to the car I discovered that there was another queau of about three people inside (in the cool) just opposite the car hire desks. Unless you are with a party shepherded by a rep I suggest you check other queaus inside. It doesn't matter which one you use they all end up in the same place. Once through the scanner you have to find your checkin desk which opens about 2 hours before your flight. After that you go through another check and your hand luggage is scanned again. Departure gates tend to be diplayed late (or not at all

There is some building going on so all this may (hopefully) improve assuming they get rid of the ridiculous practice of scanning before checkin. This is the only airport I have been where that happens.