Article appeared in Evening Gazette
not saying this couple
were paid a Fee for their *story*, (but I rather suspect they were) but if their *story* is to be believed it would have appeared in many more newspapers, 'Local'
and 'National' as well as being on the Television, Radio and the Internet.....and it is not. The story appeared in a Local 'rag', and if the alledged incident that took place was anything like what we are being asked to believe, then the story would have been a *big* one and appeared in and on numerous other sources.
And if the incident was anywhere near as dramatic as this article would have us believe it was, I simply cannot understand
why so far only
two other passengers have come forward to report it. That one point alone is enough for me to suspect that someone is not telling the truth.
What I suspect may have happened, but this is pure specualtion, is that this female passenger was sat either next to, in front of or behind the couple that have reported it to the 'Gazette'. This would account for why no one else has come forward as no one else on board heard or saw the *incident*. The female *terrorist* had probably been drinking, may have mixed that with some medication, started to talk about terrorism and bombs (
not claimed to
be a terrorist or to explode a bomb), which the couple then overheard, and reported to a member of the Cabin Crew who would have asked the *terrorist* not to talk about such things and the Flight Attendant may have had to use some form of minor restraint until they could safely release her when the aircraft landed. Which would account for why she was not arrested.
I mean lets face it, if she was that intoxicated, that high on drugs, would she have really been able, let alone allowed, to make her own way off of the aircraft.....especially after another passenger alledgedly knocked her out

( And WHY has this passenger not come forward? Surely he would have done if only to exonerate himself of his actions in case of future prosecution for assault). And then the couple that have reported it to the Gazette may have told the truth, may not have been paid, but the Gazette decided to *spice* up their storey by adding in the bits about the steep dive, the Captain leaving his post, the lock up in the toilet all to make what was in effect a minor unnewsworthy incident on board a holiday flight into a major drama just to sell their paper. The Press are infamous for doing that sort of thing, even local rags.