Beware hiring from Drive & Go / The Seven Seater in Essex. We hired a campervan from this company which broke down. The RAC attended the breakdown, checked that the campervan was correctly filled with diesel and diagnosed the problem as "engine management failure". The vehicle was towed and we returned to Australia. When we received our credit card statement, we found we'd been charged and additional £500 by Drive and Go without any consultation with us. We rang the company and were told that we'd been charged the excess as "the tank was full of petrol" (instead of diesel) and we'd caused the breakdown. We faxed them a petrol station receipt which proved we had filled the tank with diesel and advised them to ring the RAC who would independently verify the same. They undertook to send us a "Fuel Analysis Report" and a copy of the RAC report - neither of which they have done. We subsequently made numerous attempts (fax & phone) to contact the manager (Mike Hadley) which were all ignored. We then hired a solicitor but she, too, was ignored. We're returning to the UK so will try our luck at the Small Claims Court. Please think twice before using this company!!!
If anyone has had any similar experiences or advice I would love to hear from you.
In my time in the motor trade I came across a fair number of cases where this was the case.
A check needs to be made at the garage where it was filled. It is possible that the storage tank was filled incorrectly. It does happen. If this was the case then they will have had more cases.
A roadside check is just that. The symptons could point to a failure of the management system and particularly where the customer is sure that they have filled with the correct fuel.
How far had you travelled, having filled with fuel, before the breakdown occurred?
Additionally, the RAC mechanic actually got the engine running after disconnecting the fuse to the electronic throttle. I've been told this couldn't happen if the tank had petrol in it?? (I'm not mechanically minded?). In your experience, would that be correct?
Thanks for your reply.
They will deal with the company on your behalf, also you will not be charged intrest on the balance whilst this charge is being disputed.
I know that mediation is available for these types of cases also but both parties have to agree to that course of action. Given that they wont communicate at all with us I think our only hope is small claims.
Your main problem is that you are the other side of the world trying to resolve the dispute.
You could contact the RAC yourself, explain the situation and ask if they would help. They would also be able to check if there had been other cases.
Are you a member of a motoring organisation in Australia? - You could try and enlist their help. The RAC might speak to them if not you. (Data Protection law applies)
Some good advice and ideas there fwh.
We have contacted the RAC and, as you've indicated, Privacy Laws apply so they are unable to give us any information.
It is difficult trying to resolve these sorts of disputes when you are in another country and doubly so when the other party simply wont communicate at all.
As the RAC attended they would complete a report and ask you to sign. They should also have given you a copy. Whilst Data Protection applies you are entitled to see the "breakdown" report. technically speaking, you were the customer.
What advice did they give having started the vehicle? If it was an engine management problem then they should either have towed you to a garage or advised you to go ASAP. A fault on the system could also cause damage.
Again I would refer you to the motoring organisation in your own country.
They do have reciprocal agreements and should be able to assist. Have you spoken with them?
Data Protection is a bit of a minefield but in a dispute of this nature then witholding the reports does seem strange.
There is a trade body The British Vehicle Rental & Leasing Association - BVRLA who - if the company you hired from are a member - can mediate in cases such as yours. I have not found a contact address but will continue looking.
I tried the RAC again with no luck - unfortunately the wont release any information at all to anyone but the owner of the vehicle.
The company is not a member of the BVRLA.
I am still waiting to hear back from the NRMA (Australias equivalent of the RAC).
In answer to your questions:
The vehicle was towed to Drive and Go after it was looked at by the RAC. My husband signed the report but was not supplied with a copy (lesson learnt!). It was the second last day of our hire period so we had nothing more to do with the vehicle after the RAC attended.
In future I will definitely only hire from large companies with satisfactory complaint management processes.
Should you decide to take legal action - yes it is difficult from the other side of the world - the company will have to produce the documentation.
As you already know, Drive & Go wont communicate at all and Barclaycard said they could do nothing for us after Drive & Go produced an invoice for them.
More developments though. We actually booked the campervan hire (and flights) through Trailfinders, who then booked it through another Aus company (the name escapes me at present), the final providor being Drive & Go.
I should have thought of it earlier but have now contacted Trailfinders, who forwarded the complaint to the second Aus company. They contacted Drive & Go who have agreed to send them the Fuel Analysis Report and the RAC breakdown report. However, they are "busy" so cannot send a fax until September!
I shall therefore leave any further action until September and if nothing eventuates, I'll continue with the Small Claims action for when we arrive in the UK later in the year.
However, they are "busy" so cannot send a fax until September!
In my opinion that is just another excuse. No idea what consumer law is in Australia but I would make enquiries.
Such tales as "busy" only make me suspect they hope it will go away. If they had to be in court next week they would not dare use such an excuse.
You know, I get a sneaking suspicion that this company or one very much like it from the same part of Essex was featured on the consumer protection TV show Watchdog or was it Roger Cook about 20 years ago when we still lived in the UK .... Can't prove anything but have this 'prickling' in the skin and warning bells, because the owners were not the most charming and personable folk ...........
Alsacienne - Interesting. Your comments prompted me to send my tale to BBC Watchdog via their website. I'll let you know if I hear from them - they no doubt receive an awful lot of correspondence!
Thanks for listening, everyone!!
An update. We made a small claim against Drive and Go and received a judgement in the full amount. They didn't even defend it. Just have to get the money off them now!
Might be worth speaking to your Credit Card people now you have a judgement.
Hope that except for this problem you have some very happy memories of your holiday.
My youngest is flying back this weekend after a month in Aus.
fwh makes a very good point. Now a claim has been upheld by the court you have some leverage against the credit card company. You could even take the cr. card company to court as they are jointly and severaly liable for the actions of their merchants.
Try getting the money from the cr. card company in advance of the hire-company paying out by asking for the original amount you paid by the cr. card to be credited back to your account.
I had cause to complain about a hotel in Majorca once and got absolutely nowhere despite our travel agent in Melbourne fighting for us. We simply gave up in the end. Others got back 40% of their holiday we got nowt, purely and simply because we lived in Australia and had no clout. Thank Goodness for the internet and web sites like this.
Apologies for being slightly off topic. Cheers Geri

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