I have just returned from the usual glorious fortnight in Pafos except for one thing - Timeshare/HolidayClub Touts.
For those who haven't come across this nasty breed, but intend visiting Pafos and other resorts look out !!!
They will stop you by jumping off the back of a motor scooter in front of you, run the motor scooter in front of you if you don't stop, shout at you from a car, leap out of the car along side you, or use any other tactic to get their commission at your expense, and unfortunately I've experienced all of the above this year. Ignoring them, saying you live in Cyprus, saying you don't speak English or any other alternative just doesn't seem to work this year - they are that persistent or just plain desperate. My Cypriot friends say the police don't act, for they (the police) claim the touts are not breaking the law!!!. For those that don't know, the touts seem to be exclusively British. If someone has a solution, could I ask them to post it for the benefit of others who really just want to relax and enjoy their holiday, not have someone shouting at them and making life unpleasant.
When I have been confronted by these low lifes in other countries,I either tellthem i'm a recently bankrupt trader or that i'm currently the subject of a British police investigation and could be facing 7 years inside upin my return to UK.This normally works as they tend to leave me alone knowing that I couldnt be credit worthy.One thing you must never do is to give or show these sales touts your passports.In Majorca 3 years ago a couple were taken to their hotel and their passports were taken as "security",the couple couldnt get the passports returned until they had signed a declaration of sale which stated there was no cooling off period.
Works everytime and its not worth them trying to push it in case you do...for them there are plenty more fish in the sea.

I've never seen any at all in Protaras, I have in Spain previously but not here.
i was lucky last year only one approached me "are you English " he said, i replied "of course isn't everyone in Pafos at this time of year" and carried on walking, i think it took a while before it sank in what i said, as i was some distance away when heed the abusive response
> For those that don't know, the touts seem to be exclusively British.
Unfortunately, there are a number of these scum operating in the tourist areas, but the police seem to nothing about them.
> If someone has a solution, could I ask them to post it for the benefit of others
Perhaps a kick in the groin or a few words of abuse.

We have just got back from Limassol last Saturday.We were approached 3 times in the space of 30 minutes in 1 day that was the only time in 2 weeks, every time they spoke to me I just said 2 words and carried on walking they soon got the message. The 2 words were NOT INTERESTED
O.M.G. just had to shut my eyes for a second in case those 2 words were rude..
I must be really lucky as I've not once been approached by them
Just back from paphos the touts made our life a misery the stretch outside our hoel was plagued by yhem,in the end i lost my temper and told them they were ruining my holiday!that stopped them for that day,
I have been approached by them once when there, but they took a no thank you and cleared off.
U truly hope I am not plagued by them when I get there.....I will be really annoyed.
Kath HT Admin
We got collared by them last year in Protaras. Using the free scratch card game to win a prize. Guess what we did

As If

The chap who spoke to us first wasn't too bad but when my husband asked for any written information we could take away, the chap that came over was a right

In the end they realised we didn't want to do any deal and wanted us to go but Karl told them to go and get us the bottle of wine they had promised us which didn't go down well. The wine was awful !!!
Don't anyone go near them
Amber and Karl

hi all, we found protarus wonderfully devoid of all this sort of carry on compared to tenerife where we'd be going for years. in tenerife they had pub reps,restaurant reps, timeshare or holiday club reps. it got on the verge of ridiculous at times. they even had "find the lady" type games with actors playing holidaymakers whooping and cheering as soon as you came near to entice you to find out what was going on only to be creamed of 100 euros if you were taken in by it all. looky looky men every 10 minutes even when eating, chinese flower sellers, pickpockets and the worse, kids being hung out of car windows ready to snatch your bag whilst crossing the road. apart from all this we still had a great time! it will be a shame if cyprus goes the same way, i'm sure it won't
As they pick on couples can I suggest "I'm sorry my wife/husband (delete as applciable) would not like me buying something without her/his permission. Oh, this is my lover, the wife's at home."
never came across one in Protaras

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