Ive only ever had one reply from Caretta Thanks Caretta
What it is has any one out there stopped at the Club Armar in Marmaris this year on a A/I basics
I read a report off another site stating bed linen dirty it smells off etc etc
Im taking extra money anyway just incase it is poor so we can eat out or move to another hotel
Which we should not have to do after paying nearly £2000 to go for a week A/I
The travel agents highly recommend this hotel especailly with me taking my 2yr old twin grand daughters.
But now im thinking if it is that good why isnt they any recent reviews on it from this year????????????
Ive phonrd the agent yesterday airing my concerns and was just advised to see the rep in hotel if it is poor
So basically thats all i can do
So im just thinking everything crossed and hoping for the best.
But if any one has been lately could you please please please let me know your views
I will be so greatfull
Thank you Marion xxx and Family xxx