We are going to Kenya on 19 July including a 3 day safari!! Just wondered if anyone has any recomendations on binoculars for a 10 year old and 14 year old, Dont really want to spend too much but want them to have a good chance of seeing as much as poss!!
Try Argos.
Make sure that your youngsters don't use their binoculars in or around foreign airports. Foreign authorities are often very touchy about such things, especially if the airport has joint civil/military use.
I purchased a quite expensive pair for my holidays a few years ago and Lost them on the first trip.. so now i use a pair of 10/25 that i purchased from a garage for around a fiver, OK they dont have the best lenses but i have found them light to carry and acceptable in image quality, at the end of the day its up to you pay a fiver and if they get lost it doesn't matter or go for a set with Zeiss lenses at two hundred pounds

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