Will we be able to use The Tropical's facilities this year do you know ?
Also is there anybody who has already been that has stayed in a Family room. Just wondering if there is a separate bedroom or just the one living area.
I have read lots about the younger kids clubs, but has anybody been with kids that have been in the wavelength club. If you have what activities do they get up to.
Such a lot of question...

Hi it is being taken over by Iberostar and yes in next years brochure they are seperate hotels, PP is being changed to The Holiday Village PT to Iberostar Tropical and you are right next year you can't share the facilities.
Alex This year you are still allowed to use both facilities, so don't worry anyone going this year.
Hi Hayley/John Soccer school is 2days £29, 3 days £43, 4 days £55.
footie was being shown in the pool bar and the conference room (by the hairdressers) this was the best as it was cool and they put in a mobile bar to have beer.
phippsy all the rooms have airconditioning from 16.00 to 10.00am
The hargreaves - the wavelengh looked fantastic they they did really great stuff, my daughter was only 3 weeks too young so had to do the taz club and she found it very babyish, she was gutted about mising the wavelengh
I have been told it is Wine red and white, beer, vodka, brandy,whiskey?, Lots of different flavour schnapps (yum yum yum) not sure what else someone who has been should be able to answer.
For the kids i think it is all the fizzy stuff and something called Tang which apparantly has got loads of e numbers and banned in uk....great eh looks like i will need to take juice my son doesnt need any help on the hyper front!!! Can anyone confirm this is still the kids drink and did they let there kids drink it?
Guess you also flying from Manchester then?
Cheer for the info on soccer school i thought trainers but wanted to check and we will have no shortage of football kits on our cases!!!
DSJ37 my son will also be 3wks away from being 6 when we go and he is also mature but im told the rules on ages for all clubs is strict it will be for insurance purposes i think..........when i booked soccer school she checked he was 5 (the min age for soccer) before she let me book it, maybe you should wait til you get there and just ask on the off chance.
Its the same with the clubs he would prefer to go to the 6-8yr old club with his cousins who are already going to be 6 but he wont be allowed.
manchester ye can,t wate seems ages bookes it last year just hope everythings ok so much talk some bad mostly good a lot of monie to pay if its bad
We booked a double family room but actually ended up in an interconnecting twin. It was room number 2014. Anyone getting that room be warned it was VERY noisy. Also the bath kept leaking when you had a shower. They did sort it out though and we just had a slight leak.
All rooms have air con.
The family rooms have a sleeping area and a living room with sliding doors seperating them. We had two twin beds and a bed settee in the living room. My sisters room had a lovely big double bed.
My daughter is 10 and went to the wavelength club nearly every day. She loved it. They did raft building, canoeing, snorkelling, sea scooters, aqua olympics, tennis, archery plus loads of other things. She also went to a few of the evening sessions. Be prepared if they go to the chocolate party - they get covered in it.
This was honestly the best holiday my daughter has ever had. She had the most fun and made loads of friends.
They do provide beach towels but you couldn't always get one so I would still take a few if I was you.
The children could help themselves to the tang juice. There were three different flavours. We had told them that they could only have a few drinks of it because we didn't want them any more hyper than usual. To be honest though my daughter and neices didn't really like it so it wasn't a problem.
In Cyprus last year their fresh orange juice was concentrated and mixed with their tap water and my 1 yr old was really ill, that is when we found this out!!! Does anyone know the case in Turkey and do they have fresh orange juice on AI at the PT. Also do they include squash in the AI?

Has anybody used the stagecoach classes. If so what sort of thing do they get up to?
With so much going on resort, there will be no real reason to leave. Only for the odd day trip and trip to Sarigerme.

Also another question for those that have been before. Can you easily catch the dolmus from the hotel and is it a regular service. My OH normally drives abroad but doesn't fancy it this time - so we are going to make do with taxis and buses.
thanks themcs
Hi again the Hargreaves, I'm sure with all them waterslides you will become a kid again for the 2 weeks.
Bottled water was free. There were water dispensers at all the bars which you could help yourself to. We just kept filling bottles up and keeping them in our fridge. Also in meal times they put a large bottle of water on your table which you can take away with you.
There was also fresh orange juice at breakfast and meal times - again free.
There was loads of storage space in the rooms just take extra coat hangers. There weren't any drawers though.
The wavelength club was fantastic.
They just drank coke, fanta lemonade or water. They also had slush puppy that you had to pay for.
we had mainly coke fanta from the bar
my son wants to say hemixed the apple cranberry and orange and made a nice mix.
also there is a coffee, tea, hot water machine (wish i took pot noodles for a midnight snak for the kids)
The towel hut is open from 10am till 12noon and 4pm till 6.30 we had no probs with getting one and we werent the ones up at the crack of dawn to reserve the beds and mattresses (i was on holiday - the brits put the germans to shame)
the room we had was 4027 and couldnt be further away from anything, escecially if you want to nip back for something, but it was really nice and very clean, kids liked the sliding roors to seperate them.
Has anyone taken any photos of the resturant/bars and maybe even Sarigerme that could be posted?
Many Thanks
I had air conditioning 24 hrs a day! but had to turn it down at night.
which ones are the new photos mcfester?
The first 4 or 5 in the actual gallery for the hotel vicky

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