Aaaahh those white deodorant marks are soooooo annoying. My husbands the worst one for getting his new t.shirts covered in marks before we've left the hotel.
Or put your deoderant on first, so by the time you get to putting a top on (last) it will be dry!

no problems since.
I use Sure Crystal (says on the spray 'no white marks'). Tried loads of others and I also have to be careful 'cos lots of deodorants give me a rash which gets very sore and inflamed. But no problems with Sure Crystal.
mitchum no white marks is very good. i use the roll on type, it says its so effective you could even skip a day!
mitchum is an excellent deodorant but I can only use it on the odd occasion as it really dries my skin out and makes it sore
I'm very pleased with 'King of Deos' . it is a bit more pricy but is aluminium free ( there have been health scares over this ingredient), very effective & no white streaks.
I use sure crystal but still get the occasional white marks. I use a tip I was given and it really works. Put a pop sock or stocking over your hand and brush over the marks. Excellent!
I can't use spray deodorants because for some reason I end up with a sneezing fit about ten minutes after application. I use the active range from Avon. They have a brilliant no white marks roll on. Also another little tip. When putting on a t.shirt fold the bottom half of it inside out up to the arm pits then pull it down once on. This way if there is any residue from the deodorant it will be on the inside of the t.shirt
Regards Jackie
i always the mitchem deodrant abroad lasts 48hrs and is a roll on ,,is more expensive but i find it effective and its small too,you can buy it in asda and morrisons xxx jan
Don't use deodorant at all. It is not needed. As we all shower at least once a day and also shave (well most of us in UK anyway), there should be no bacteria on skin to make any smell.
A friend of mine told me about that years ago (she never uses it) and after a couple of weeks, the body has got used to not getting any pores clogged up and all's fine. Haven't used deodorant for several years now and my mum also stopped using it.
I never get smelly armpits.
And it's less to remember and pack.
I have to say, I shower at least once a day and wouldn't consider anything less, but surely most people do this, so who are Mitchum aiming their market at? I'd love an explanation.
HERE. Both my sons used to suffer from excessive sweating. I bought some antiperspirant from Boots - can't remember the name...but you had to use NO OTHER deoderant with it....put it on of a night before bed...shower as normal in the morning...then again use it at night....then every so often during the week. It did work...but they didn't continue with it as it stung soooo much!
Have a read through this.. 
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