Awww bless her, glad shes looking tanned and relaxed.
Had a long chat with her and Jac's who has moved in over the road from me!!
Jac's and Kath are great buddies..
take care..
Glad to hear Kath is enjoying her break
Goo to know Kath's having a good time.
all right for some whilst the rest of us slave away over a hot keyboard
Delighted to hear that Kath's looking well and tanned. She must be having a great time if she doesn't want to come back. I'm really glad as she deserves it.
Kath is maybe thinking along the lines of a permanent move here....not just a holiday..long time dream of hers I am sure she will not mind me saying..
We all know Kaths dreams Jim she has been sharing them with us for years, we almost feel like we are going with her!
My advice is...................................stop dreaming!!

Thanks Jim. It was good to meet up with you all.
The dream will have to stay on hold a little longer unfortunately for family reasons, but who knows whats around the corner.

Thanks to everyone for your kind thoughts.
Kath x

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