Back in the 70's a mate of mine joined Hogg Robinson(?) and was sent all over Europe experiencing the different hotels and resorts so that he could give valid information to customers. He actually got sick of being on holiday!

But was a mine of knowledge.
By comparison my brother went into a Travel Agent a couple of years ago for his first overseas holiday for many years to seek guidance and advice and was basically asked how much he wanted to spend and pointed in the direction of Magaluf, with 2 young children and a seriously ill, but in remission, wife!
Sites like this one and the internet are the future, are NOW. Those who don't wish to acknowledge it's existence are welcome to pay full whack and i'm pleased for them to do so as it doubtless allows reductions on my internet bookings!
Just to confirm my original thread i've gone through the same process as I did when booking my recent hgoliday.
7 days in Menorca at the beginning of August in a single bed apartment for 4 people £1886.
(Which includes a ticket on departure fee of £60!!!!!!!!!?) What's that all about? A £60 charge for picking up your tickets at the airport. Surely they should be refunding you for not having to post them!
Anyway, booking the same flight and same accomodation for the same dates and same number of people.