In brief myself and my family have been considering moving to Cyprus for a long time but we have not been there for 6 years and assumed that it had not changed much. I went there with my sister in law on Monday for 4 days to sort out schools and find some rental accomodation etc. Basically we were given the biggest run around ever with agents trying to rip us off left right and centre and i know people are good and bad everywhere but i really got the impression they hate us brits. It seems to me that the ex pats are probably lovely communities to live in but that they are still in a way segregated anyway we were going to move there for good in August but due to my experiences have decided to forego that now ! Whilst there i must admit i found a really helpful estate agent who saved me from handing over a large amount of cash to something that was decidedly dodgy so thankyou ECR property services and thankyou too to the dodgy ones cos you made me think again.