My husband and i are seriously considering a move to the Benidorm area. We both really love the place and have discussed buying a holiday home previously, but now we have something more permanent in mind. I'm late 20's and he is early 30's, i have a good job in management and he runs his own business. We don't really need my money, it's just an added bonus as he can more than support the two of us. We are thinking of starting a family and i just can't see a bright future for children here in the UK anymore.
Our plan is to buy a place in Spain this year, make sure it is suitable as a 'proper' home and then start trying for a baby. My husband will keep his business here in the UK and we will keep our UK home, as it's fully paid for. I will live in Spain on a permanent basis and my husband will commute - spending 5 days with me, 9 days at work in the UK. We have discussed it with our parents and they too feel it could work and are positive on the whole.
The long term plan is to look for suitable business opportunities/investments on the Costa Blanca and hopefully we can turn our backs on the UK once and for all. But for the meantime, the money my husband makes is too good to give up and would afford us a fantastic lifestyle in Spain. We have visited the Benidorm area twice a year for the past ten years and my parents do an annual longstay there in the winter, so we have a good feel and knowledge on the area.
What do you all think? We are looking for any advice anyone can give us - however irrelevant it may seem, we still want to hear it.
So, thank you in anticipation.

EDIT: Transferred from the Costa Blanca forum
David HT Mod