Just got back from lagos prtugal afetr a brilliant holiday.Time to start working on next year.
is there any sites that i can compare flight duration times??.My wife is disabled and only just tolerated 2hr5omin flight to Faro.So i need to know destinations within that time frame.
ask your question again but on the FLIGHTS and AIRPORTS forum there you will find our specialist in the field
Less than 2 hours 50 mins? You have a good choice of anywhere in Mainland Spain (all the 'Costas') or the Balearics (Majorca/Minorca/Ibiza) or most Italian destinations. Loads to choose from!
Dont forget scandanvian resorts, denmark, etc , may not be sunshine hols but still wonderful.
is there any sites that i can compare flight duration times??.
You are on it! If you need any information about flights, let me know as I can get you the info you need.
Croatia is supposed to be nice. Thats under 3 hours.
Also in Rovinj we noticed there were a lot of people in wheelchairs, so the resort must be OK for them. Some of the cobbled streets in the old town would be a bit tricky, but there is a large flat promenade around the harbour and seafront, and past the marina onto the rocky beach areas and wooded headland with many wide paths. (and shade to sit in).
It was a 45 min transfer from the airport at Pula.
As we already have a topic on this

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