I think there are two makes, one called "OFF" and the other called "SIN KOV". I haven't used "OFF", but found that "SIN KOV" is very effective(smells like burnt tyres though!)
Message seems to have disappeared. Thanks for this, SIN KOV is the one I was thinking of. We're off to Side - first time to this resort - on the 13th and my son and his girfriend are off to Marmaris on Wednesday. We're all looking forward.
ive used both and we found them about the same both smell unpleasant though
Both beaches at Side are good. There is the tourist beach (where all the hotels are) and the locals beach on the other side of the peninsular.
Used repellents and had a raid plug in plugged in at night when going out and never got bitten or saw one once.
Went on the 6 Island boat trip (fabulous) and was eaten alive

I dont know for sure but i can only think there where mossies on the boat maybe in the carpets and with the carpets being damp, me not swimming much (after my kids and partner tried 2 drown me going down the boat chute) i was a big steak 2 them!
I had no mossie repellent on as i never wore it during the day.
I would advise anyone going on the trips to wear some repellent.
The boat trips are fantastic value for money and a great day out!
ive found that avon woodland fresh dry oil spray is also a good insect repellent we always go to turkey an we usually use off but this year we went to alcudia an the whole place is riddled with mossies so this year i used the avon an never got bit once

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