"You are old, Margaretta," the children said,
"For your roots are showing quite white.
And yet you incessantly jump up and down-
Do you think at your age that it's right?"
"We've got our dates! We've got our dates!
So if I'm embarrassing you
I'ts because we've waited far too long
For news that's overdue.
At last we have an answer
The good news has been sent.
We're really almost certain....
Ninety-nine per cent!
We shall have our water
And electricity.
It's turn-on time for next week!
Hurrah! No grumps. YIPPEE!!!!!
We're made up, gradely, cock-a hoop!
Can't believe it's true!
You appreciate some things in life
When they finally come through!"
Now all we've got to worry us
Is the signing day
Or if there will be a
When we move in late May.
Please keep fingers crossed for all in Las Chafiras who are completing very soon. Thank you.
and i'll be there to greet ya
We'll raise that glass
and sit on the grass
A toast to all in JSM11
The wait will be worth it for i am sure
Good luck to all
Our signing's done - we own a piece
Of Tenerife - will worries cease?
While we dream of our apartment
Trouble's in the next department.
"Don't pack that - it's far too large;
I'm sure they'll make an extra charge!"
"Wrap those breakables in the towels
And insect repellent for we night-owls."
And strife will come before we travel:
Much paperwork to unravel
And lists to make and stuff to order -
"Too much 'stuff' -you're such a hoarder!"
"Can we pack some clothes to wear?"
"You're not a model, no-one will stare!...
Squash in your working-clothes and shoes
We're furnishing- not a moment to lose."
Will we have some time to sit
And contemplate with rue and wit
How we have toiled to reach our dream?
Now champagne pops and smiles a-beam!
Don't mind the aggro- we've longed for this.
We wish all others a similar bliss.
The angst and decisions in time quite small
But the pleasure it gives us is worth it all.
Thank you HT friends for all your advice and good luck to those still to complete. Margaretta
Part 1: The first half of the week.
We entered our apartment, the summit of our dream.
I ran onto the balcony, "The mountains!" I cried a-beam!"
"I'll check the lock - just stay out there," said hubby with concentration.
He slid shut the patio doors... hence an altercation!
"You've locked me out! What shall we do?"
The sun was beating down.
He heaved and tugged; at last 'release!'
"First snag'" said he a-frown.
So off he went to look for locks
And useful items too
"Don't forget the water....oh
And paper for the loo!"
The beds arrived. I showed them where
To put them in each room.
But when they'd gone we realised...
ALWAYS check, NEVER assume....
So beds dismantled, reversing trundle.
Mattresses a heavy bundle.
Holding bedsteads perfectly level
For spanner, screwdriver: job's a devil!
Shopping, scrubbing, scraping plaster,
Candles on the floor,
Torchlight for the way to bed
Washing without a mirror......
Next morning no electricity
Or water came our way.
I found Manuel who twiddled knobs
Then uttered "I away."
(Electricity but still no water).
The lights arrived, the radio blared,
No room could we enter.
Fuses, lighting, tools and wire -
Just like an electrical centre!
At five o'clock they said "We go"
Leaving all their clutter.
Two lights working... "When return?"
"Don't know."
(We did more than mutter!)
Shop sent them back the very next day.
We were relieved to see them.
All the lighting was complete -
Delighted with the system.
Water on .... white goods arrived
And family of Blue Marlin.
Thrilled to meet our HT friends.
Shrieks- we made such a din!
We sat down on bubble wrap
Drinks and nibbles consuming.
Dipped our toes into a pool,
Up the tower, lights looming.
Altogether we trundled off
To view our new estate.
There was so much to admire
And lots to celebrate.
And this was just the first three days... more to come!
On Saturday the white goods functioned
Thanks to Mark and Gary.
They made no mess; were quick to work
Their attitude so cheery!
The window poles erected next
By a real Canarian.
He loved to chat; I tried my best
To master 'Tinerfinian??'
We rushed to buy some curtains,
No time to have them made.
Our poor guest sat on bubble wrap
We're concerned lest furniture fade.
We learned it was her birthday
Whist eating a delicious meal.
Wish we'd known to sing the song
In Canarian (No- perhaps she'd squeal!)
Sunday too a merry day
Woken up by goats.
Bell-ringing on the hillside
In their multi-coloured coats.
Fish lunch in Las Galletas
With Blue Marlin and her clan.
No they did not out-eat us
As we discussed each plan.
I had to hang the curtains
Though they were much too long!
We undid that bubble wrap:
Going, going... gone! (Pop! Crackle!)
Monday to bank early.
But no euros to be had
"Sorry, technical problems..
We just don't know how bad!"
"Come back here in two hours;
It may be fixed by then!"
The queue was growing steadily,
We kept our tempers even.... just!
My telephone then rang and rang;
Oh how I hate that tune!
"Can you wave to our vans?"
(Three deliveries coming soon!)
Should I stand on the balcony
Or in the kitchen dither?
Offer them some English tea
As they sweated hither... and thither?
The beds were dismantled
To be carried up the stairs
Things were reassembled
Bank euros paid our wares. (Repaired at last!)
Tuesday was fiesta
Spanish fun for certain.
But hubby scraped away at walls.
I 'Wonderwebbed' the curtains.
Sadly there was not enough
Of this very useful stuff.
Pegs hold up one hem you see
That's my secret... ssssh! Hee! Hee!
Wednesday up to San Isidro
Bought the furniture for the patio.
What a rush to pack our things.....
Wish we'd had time for walks and swims!
Our flight was late... filled us with glee!
Los Abrigos then for our tea.
A lovely end to a hectic week..
We'll soon be back for a REAL break!
Setting up's not such a terrible feat
Thanks to friends we loved to meet.
The telephone call from three teenage girls.
"Hello Mother, Father dearest,
Here we are in Las Chafiras,
Calling taxis, spending euros,
Lazing in the sun and posing on our lilos."
"Hello Mother, hello Father,
Not 'done' Teide cos we'd rather
Go out clubbing, sleeping later,
Cooking to avoid the tipping every waiter!"
Friend was sick the other night,
We stayed out 'til the daylight!
Came back; saw the boiler dripping
Turned the knob, the shower cold-
Could feel it nipping!" (Repaired now!)
"Mum, don't tell Dad - we've a problem-
Bad as teeth when little one's wobbl'em!"
"Whaaaat? Which one has drowned in tequila?
Sold to tourists by a 'lookee,lookee' dealer????"
"No, my suncream has all melted,
In my handbag when it sweltered
Ruined my ipod and my mobile....
Have to buy another bag the latest style!"
"Won't - come - home 'til we have all
Spent euros, had a ball.
Please get aftersun
Our holiday will soon be done!"
"Wait a minute - sun is shining,
Off to sunbathe, do some buying!
Las Vistas beach is so neat
I'm all burnt and we have all got prickly heat!"
Interesting how the young spend their holidays...!
As you see- the poems now have their own forum about the many experiences, good and bad, encountered when buying a new property.
Please add your own odes to this forum. I assure you that it is very therapeutic when stressed or entertained by purchasing events!
Have a go-
Join this forum.
Write some poems,
Have fun and share'em!
When you decide to buy abroad
You cherish the dream you can afford.
Some will come to escape crime
Some 'cos they have retirement time.
Some for work or for adventure
Be it for business or for pleasure.
There are experiences to share
Or facts to make others aware
Whether a sonnet or a haiku-
A limerick for us to view.
It doesn't really have to rhyme-
Just thoughts, complaints or praise sublime.
Don't be shy to here compose-
Air your laughs, knowledge and woes.
Go on - have a go!

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